Friday, April 21, 2023

Friday Fave Fives April, Take Three

Friday Fave Fives.  That time of the week when we stop and breathe and focus on five of the best blessings from the past seven days.  It is really helpful for my sense of thankfulness and gratitude to do this every Friday.  You can do it, too.  Here's the link to join us: FRIDAY FAVE FIVES.

1.  Best news!  At the doctor's office this week, the doctor told me, "You're good to go!"  I have been dismissed from orthopedic care for my broken ankle.  All I have to do is wear a splint when I hike, walk long distances or drive.  Yes, I'm cleared to drive, too.

2.  Last evening, The Professor and I joined both daughters and their dogs and Little Warrior (who I should now call Shorter Boy--he is growing but still shorter than Tall Boy).  My first walk in six weeks!

3.  The weather was so very spring-like this week.  We were able to sit on the back patio and just enjoy the sunshine.

4.  Our extra family dropped by yesterday on their day off to help us with some yard work.  Goodbye to the purple sand cherry bushes that were blocking our front windows and attracting Japanese beetles.  I am so thankful for all their help.  And Y planted my raspberry bush, too.

5.  Is there anything more exciting than seeing that tiny sprout which will become a flower or tomato or broccoli plant?


Susan said...

I am glad to hear your ankle has healed. How did you break it? I have osteoporosis and am risk for breaks. I try to do strength exercises daily. Nice to see life spring back after a long winter. Enjoy your spring weather!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh so happy for you to have your ankle finally healed. I know you are a happy camper! Just in time for springtime and walking and gardening and doing all the things you love to do! Sounds like you've already gotten a good start on things! There is just something about the smell of the soil/dirt in Ohio in spring/summer that really gets to me. When we moved up there from Florida as soon as I stepped out of the car I could smell that aroma of the earth and it took me back to my childhood at our farm in PA., and also visiting my grandparents in Ohio every summer. I'll never forget it. The soil just doesn't have that rich loamy smell here, as we only have mostly sand. So breathe deep and enjoy the fresh scent of spring and the good earth for me! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I’m glad your spring weather is continuing. Ours is taking a few days off. Lovely to see the ornamental pears with their clouds of white flowers.
I know you must be enjoying being able to go on longer walks again. Probably a little carefully! It’s great that the ankle healed so well.

Faith said...

Praise God your ankle is better and you can take those hikes and walks...and drive!! YAY!! A true blessing.

LOVE that you have a little sprout. Mine are up too (I'm growing basil inside until mid May and then I'll move the planter outdoors to my deck).

I LOVE the Spring sunshine....glad you could outside and enjoy it. And yay for family walks!

Have a blessed weekend

ellen b. said...

Glad you've been released to walk again and drive. Those little sprouts are promising. Hope you have a good weekend.

Susanne said...

Oh I do not like those Japanese beetles. Our area had a really bad infestation a few years back. Blech. So glad your ankle has healed up nicely and you can get back to some normal activities you love. Love your little sprout!

Jerralea said...

So glad for spring! I'm glad to hear how you have been healing. May you enjoy every ounce of sunshine!

Wendy said...

So glad to hear your ankle has healed and you are able to get back to walking and driving. Hope you had a good weekend.

nikkipolani said...

It amazes me that Japanese beetles are not listed among the plagues in Revelation.

Congrats on your first walk (and splints, like, forevermore?) and the first of springy weather!