Friday, August 25, 2023

Enough-- Fave Fives

 I feel like I should just post something for Friday Fave Fives (the link takes you to Susanne's blog where you can add your own FFF) that states, "See last week. Repeat."  Almost.  But there is always something that I can choose to what I am thankful for.  Food.  Water.  Safe shelter.  What I have is Enough.

1 and 2.  Rainstorms.  One of them included lots of lightning and thunder.  In fact, one lightning bolt must have landed within 200 feet of our house because the light, noise and shaking of our house were nearly simultaneous.  I am thankful for all the rain to water our land and I am thankful that as far as we can tell, there was no damage from the lightning strike.

3.  Other days have been very very humid which make me thankful for air conditioning.

4.  The Professor and I took a three and a half mile walk on Monday evening.  My physical therapist has challenged me to take more lengthy walks and hikes to improve my strength in the ankle I broke in March.  Then on Tuesday night, the Trail Life troop did a walk in the same area and Younger Daughter and I tailed along and did more than two miles.  I am thankful I am regaining strength and mobility in that ankle (and that I have walking/hiking buddies).

5.  My garden is producing tomatoes and more tomatoes.  Just this week, I have made two large pans of roasted cherry tomatoes.  I put them in the freezer and use them on pasta all winter long.  What a yummy way to taste summer in the winter.

Yes, contentment is choosing to say, I have enough.


ellen b. said...

That is a very good choice! Glad your are gaining strength in your ankle!

Susan said...

We tried a garden one year, but it was too hot and things did not do well. Your tomatoes will be a nice addition to meals. I need to walk, and I did a lot on vacation. I could say it is too hot, but I could go to the gym. Lazy I think. I like your thankful list!

Barbara H. said...

I'm glad you got some good rain and the lightning didn't do any damage. I'm very glad for AC as well--it's been a scorcher of a summer with high humidity on top of everything. That's so great your ankle is improving so well!

Faith said...

I'm also thankful for central air as we needed it last night and got so humid again!

I'm thankful too that your ankle is healing well and that you're able to walk and hike again!!

I love your idea for the cherry tomatoes!! The farm stand I went to earlier this week had 3 different kinds of cherry tomatoes....i never knew there were different ones! I bought some sweet orange colored ones.

have a wonderful, restful weekend

Susanne said...

So glad you didn't have any damage from the lighting. One time we had lightening hit the house across the school yard and it was so loud it literally shook our windows. Very scary. Those tomatoes look very delicious. I had no luck with little tomatoes this year, they all got bottom rot. Glad to hear your ankle is healing well and you can take on longer distances.

Karen said...

So nice that you have good hiking buddies and that your ankle is improving! I can tell that walking and hiking is something you love to do. Sending a little prayer for your daughter's nursing exam. My mom and best friend were nurses. Nurses are angels! My niece is an orthopedic surgeon specializing in trauma. I'm so thankful for all medical people. It's something I could never see myself doing. Have a wonderful weekend!

Carla from The River said...

Hi Willow,
I too have been roasting tomatoes. I just love that we can enjoy the taste of summer in winter. :-)
Good luck with your healing and your continued walks.. I love to walk too.

nikkipolani said...

Repeated faves are worthy!

I barely have enough ripe tomatoes for a salad much less roasting for future meals. Well done, you!