Friday, August 04, 2023

First Friday Fave Fives of August

 Friday again already?  That's what happens when it's summer and the days are filled with gardens and birthdays and warm evenings.  Friday creeps up on you and then you remember---it's Friday Fave Fives!  So much to be thankful for!  The link will take you to Susanne's blog where you can join us in sharing all the blessings of this first week of August.

1.  For our family, summer is filled with birthdays.  This past week we celebrated Older Son and Younger Daughter, the two bookends, eleven years apart.  Happy Birthdays!!

Chaplain Dan

2.  I finished my granddaughter's new afghan.  The one I knitted for her ten or eleven years ago when she first joined our family met a sad end when a dog got ahold of it.  Maybe some day I will try to mend it, but in the mean time, she has this new blankie for cuddling.

Does it fit?  Is it soft and comfy?

3.  Athena, our new Berner grandpuppy, had her first vet visit this week.  I got to go along.  She did great.  After both dogs had their shots, we rewarded them with 'pup cups'.

Yes, she thinks she's my lap dog.

4.  Work is progressing in our back garden.  Tall Boy has been mowing the lawn, but he is also helping with other chores.  This week The Professor and he moved the bird bath to its more permanent spot.  There is an issue with the top and stand not fitting well, but they assembled it anyway so the birds can have their water.

5.  Our butterfly and bee garden seems to be attracting the birds, bees and butterflies.  We found this beauty resting near our patio (maybe drying his wings after 'hatching'?)  I am so thankful for the amazing natural creation around us.

Bonus:  we got in a walk one evening when it was cool enough to take Sawyer and stay under the trees on the path.  We found another heart leaf.

This tangle of branches enchanted me.
Do you see the P?
I had to grab a photo since our last name begins with P!


Faith said...

Love all of these pics particularly of your grand daughter and the nature ones!!

I'm the "Aunt" of my sister in law's bernese mt puppy....Kyss. She's a lot smaller than her big bro QueTu who sadly passed away right before covid. He had so many issues. Eating rocks was just one of them. This new bernese is much smaller and less work. I even like her and I'm not a dog person. Your daughter's is adorable!!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with walks and nature.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Such a lovely many happy birthdays and happy people! Love the new afghan and your granddaughter displaying it so nicely! Love the butterfly and the P in the woods, etc. All wonderful signs of a happy family having a happy summer. Oh, those dogs are amazing! Will the pup get really big? he's so cute!! Happy August!!

marina said...

Happy birthday to your kids!!! Your granddaughter is gorgeous! Reminds me of my daughter. And the afghan is beautiful! I love the puppy enjoying his puppuccino! You surely had a great week! and the stick P is so much fun.... I wish I found fun things like that.

Barbara H. said...

How fun to have birthdays close! We have a "birthday season" too, from mid-July through mid-September. The new afghan looks lovely. The butterfly is lovely. We need to do some planting along a fence, and I'd like to plant things that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Glad work is progressing in the yard. It's so nice to have willing help.

ellen b. said...

Love the coloring of that butterfly. Happy belated birthday to your kids! That looks like one contented puppy. Happy weekend to you.

nikkipolani said...

Oh, Athena is a beauty.
Glad you've had such wonderful family celebrations with those birthdays.
The afghan colors are just wonderful. Love your granddaughter's pose with it ;-)
Hope you're taking lots of garden photos for a progress post some time. Gorgeous butterfly and heart leaf.

Schotzy said...

Summer definitely is for celebrating family and you are looking to have a fabulous summer with your’s. I am so impressed with your crocheting. I could never get mine to look like anything, mainly because I hated to do the counting. It was always so lopsided! Your pups are s o beautiful! I love dogs, but hubs refuses, so I enjoy other folks dogs!. I purposely planted some butterfly attracting plants early this summer, and even though the plants are blooming profusely, I’m sadly seeing very few butterflies.I want to include in my nature journal. 👌