Friday, January 05, 2024

First Fave Fives of 2024

Good day to you all.  Here we are in the new year, 2024.  It doesn't seem real somehow.  But it is.  I have my Friday Fave Fives for you to read (the link takes you to Susanne's blog where you can read more and find other blogs writing FFFs).

1.  We spent most of New Year's Eve with family, watching the celebration of the New Year in London and hearing Big Ben ring in 2024.  Then we toasted in 2024 with some sparking cider (and water for the one who doesn't like cider) and watched a movie.  Yes, we were all home and in bed before midnight here.

2.  On New Year's Day, we gathered the family of two girls and three grands and three dogs and took a walk/hike at Black Hand Gorge along the Licking River.  The weather wasn't great but the exercise and conversation was. 

3.  Tuesday, January 2nd was our Little Warrior's fourteenth birthday.  How did he want to celebrate?  By a visit to Dayton's Air Force Museum.  Five of us piled into our car and made the drive down there and spent the day wandering around several of the museum's many hangars which are filled floor to ceiling (literally) with planes, helicopters, a few tanks and so many displays of various wars and eras.

This quilt naming all the US Air Force bases was hanging in one of the hallways.

4.  A finished vest.  This vest was knitted in a simple garter stitch pattern.  The yarn came as a gift from a friend who is moving and getting rid of all the yarn she doesn't want.  Green Mountain Spinnery's Mountain Mohair. 70% wool, 30% mohair.  Charcoal gray color titled Raven.  It's a very warm vest, which is what I need in January and February.

5.  I was able to do some deep cleaning this week.  Laundry room and kitchen.  My goal is to deep clean every room this winter.  This week was a good start to my goal.

There it is.  Five good things from this cold cold cold first week of January 2024.


Cathy said...

What a beautiful vest! I don't think I knew you live near to Wright Pat. I'm about 40-45 minutes south of there. I love that museum, but it's been several years since I've been there.

Deb J. in Utah said...

It's always good to get some cleaning done. I've been to the museum in Dayton near Wright Pat. Very interesting place! So glad that your year is off to a great start. See you again soon!

nikkipolani said...

A beautiful vest indeed. I really like that shawl collar. Sometimes the best company/conversations occur when the weather is dull :-) Glad you got a walk in.

What a fun visit for your Little Warrior's outing. Wonder what his favorites were.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Love that vest! It does look warm and cozy!! Beautiful! Also so nice to take a hike together with the family, even if the weather isn't perfect. It's just nice to be together. And that trip to the AF Museum is a great place for a young man to want to go. Seems like we went there when we lived in the Dayton area many years ago. I had forgotten that until you mentioned it. It's good to have my memory jogged every now and then to keep it from rusting shut. LOL. Oooh, deep cleaning of every room? That sounds like a wonderful goal for the year. I know I need to do it, and get rid of a lot of STUFF in the process. I need to make that a goal for the year. Thank you for the suggestion. (Now if I'll just really follow through...that would be grand!) Have a blessed and wonderful 2024.

Anonymous said...

Don’t you love the feeling of “deep cleaning”? The first of the year always feels so perfect for getting the house more organized, too.
The simplicity of your new vest is very appealing. I’m guessing it will get a lot of use. Lovely job. Mary

Melanie said...

How fantastic to hear the New Year coming in with Big Ben! There was no noise here and I slept through it.

Your vest is lovely. Was the wool and mohair combo easy to knit with? I haven't tried wool yet. I do see how the dark color could be a challenge to see stitches. That's about the color of the yarn I originally tried with the fingerless gloves. It looks so lovely and warm.

Happy New Year to you! And have a great weekend.

Wendy said...

Oh that vest is lovely. You put me to shame listening to Big Ben when we didn't even hear it here in London lol. The trip to the museum sounds fun and the family walk. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Karen said...

Such a great list of things to be thankful for this week. I love the vest! I have a variety of vests, they're so great for taking the chill off and I wear them all year long. I really like the style of yours. Was the pattern hard to do?

I took my two younger kids to the Dayton museum about 15? years ago. It was so interesting, especially seeing the plane my dad was on when he served in the Air Force. We took a picture of the kids inside and he really enjoyed seeing that.

Happy New Year to you!

Karen said...

P.S. Thank you for the information about the vest pattern:) I will see if I can find it, and let you know if I can't!

Ingrid said...

That was a nice New Year celebration ! I had Champagne without alcohol which tastes like real one, and watched TV and answered on the phone or did phone calls. We also had a cocktail in the residence and got a plaid as gift.It was very nice. The fact that the nurse didn't come immediately was because I am not handicapped and have besides my lung problems nothing else. It was my fault why did I go on my knees at 80 and wondered that I couldn't get up !

ellen b. said...

Happy Birthday to Little Warrior who isn't so little anymore. That quilt is amazing. Love the vest! You have been very productive already in 2024!

Carla from The River said...

I love the vest. My mom made me a shawl for Christmas.
I like to do a deep clean in January too. I have one room done. :-)

Susan said...

Your vest turned out nice! I can only knit a scarf. I used to love to wear them, but I get so warm around the neck now. Happy New Year Willow!

Susanne said...

You're inspiring me to at least attempt some deep cleaning. The vest turned out lovely. How fun to go the Air Force Museum to celebrate the birthday. I love that at 14 he still wants to do family things for his birthday.