Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Means...Fave Fives

Can it really be near the end of the second month of 2024 already?  Cliches can be boring but the one about "time flies" seems to be simply true.  I have had to stop and take deep breaths this week, to stop and calm down, to stop and hit the restart button.  Right now, I am stopping to relax and reflect on the good things that occurred this past week here at Willow's Cottage, and I am writing about them as my Friday Fave Fives.  The link will take you to Susanne's blog where you can read more FFFs and join it you want.

1.  It seems that during certain seasons people, me included, obsess about the weather.  Like me. This week.  I am thankful for snow, rain, and sunshine.  Rain and snow mean that we are unlikely to have drought conditions.  Sunshine means a relief from the darkness of clouds (and Vitamin D).

2.  Exercise is important for our health.  I am thankful that we can visit the local Y and exercise there.  We worked out two days this week.  And our granddaughter was with us and work out, too.

3.  Usually, we do not just visit a restaurant for a meal out.  This past week, we had dinner in restaurants TWICE.  We visited a local Thai restaurant with a couple and just had a great time chatting.

4.  Then on Saturday evening, we met up with a family who lives in Kentucky.  Why would we do that?  The husband/father was a missionary kid in Papua and attended the same international MK boarding school that three of my children did.  He was a few years older but remembers them. (It was a quite small school)  We had spent time with them a couple of years ago at a reunion, and this is the first time we've been able to meet up with them even though we live only one and a half hours away.  It was a wonderful and joyful two hours we spent with them.  I have to add that their two children were a delight, too.

5.  Can I just give a thankful shout out to coffee?  That caffeine boost has really helped my schedule this week!


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy times. Sounds like you've been enjoying this phase of winter. It's always nice when you have friends and family to share good times with and go out to eat and enjoy reminiscing, etc. We did that yesterday too, but actually at our friends' home, not a restaurant, which is really a nice treat. People don't seem to do much entertaining in homes anymore, and it is always nice when we can do that. I hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend.

Wendy said...

You can be thankful for coffee as much as you like as long as you don't expect me to drink any of it lol. I'm a tea person. How nice to eat out with friends. Hope you have a good weekend.

Sandi said...

I remember a family called the Reinharts who went there as missionaries in the 1960's or early 70's. If I remember correctly there were some very ancient people groups who stayed hidden from the world.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. So glad you have had a nice week. It's always fun to be able to meet up with old friends. The Thai food sounds delicious. We really like Asian food. Glad you have been enjoying your coffee. I hope you have a good weekend.

Sandi said...

Thanks for your comment, Linda! More on Basil:

I also wrote other little stories with him in them if you search St. Basil on my blog.

Susan said...

Hi Linda, I really need to exercise and waiting for my ear infection to be over. That is nice that you got to visit with your friends. It has been a nice few days here but rain is on the way. We have gotten more rain these past two year than normal. We sure need it! Thanks for playing Words with Friends with me. I keep getting messages to update to version 2. I sure hope I don't lose what I have now and that is no adds. I paid $1.00 years ago for no adds. Did you ever play Farmville? Have a nice weekend!

Ingrid said...

Since I am living here in "my" castle I have seen the sun maybe 5 times (since November) and I wish so much to walk in this wonderful park ! But walking in the rain, is not like dancing in the rain, so I remain inside, but go out (in my car) to buy fruits which I like to eat in the evening watching TV. Visitors haven't come yet, I think they all wait until its getting warmer !

Faith said...

I shared about coffee too!! I thank God for the hot steaming mug every morning...and sometimes in the early afternoon too especialy after a cold hike or walk.

YAY for getting together with old and new friends and for working out. I need to start adding a weights program to my routine a couple times a week....I don't pay for gym memberships though...i use the free you tube videos and my own weights, fitness ball and my walks are my major source of cardio until biking weather.

We have had NO SNOW here except for 3 inches this month. Sadly we are in a drought unless we actually get some rain in March..which i'm hoping for over snow. :)


ellen b. said...

You did well to enjoy all the blessings this week. How nice to meet up with friends over food and have good conversation. We have been outside knee deep in dead growth that I should of taken care of late Fall. I go until I can't bend over anymore. Today the weather will permit me to do a few more planters. Thanking the Lord I can still do it...kind of. Hope you are having a peaceful weekend.

nikkipolani said...

It's so cool that you can reconnect with missionary friends and children of missionaries in your travels and, apparently, within close driving distance.

Same as you for #3 - regular eating out is just not in the budget, but so lovely to pair it with good friends and great conversation. And Thai? Perfection.

Hurray for no drought! Do you wish you could know how your old California garden fared with the recent no-drought years?

Hope you have a relaxing weekend and coffee out of pleasure and not only for caffeine.

Barbara H. said...

I agree about time--it just seems to go faster and faster. We usually bring take-out home rather than eating in restaurants, too. But it is fun to eat out sometimes, especially with friends. How nice to catch up with some from Papua days.

Susanne said...

We are having quite the mix of weather here too. How fun to reconnect with missionary friends. Coffee in a pretty cup makes it taste even better!