Friday, March 01, 2024

Marching In

 Wow!  We are now in our third month of 2024.  I kinda like March because it is my birthday month.  And March is when spring begins.  At least on the calendar.

And since it is Friday, here are Willow's Friday Fave Fives for you to enjoy.

1.  We've been lazy about updating our wills.  This week, we finally met with our lawyer and finalized everything.

2.  I got my hair cut.

3.  On Sunday, we met a couple from our church for lunch.  It was a new place for us and we so enjoyed the food and the fellowship.

4.  I finished this sweater.  It's a button down cardigan hoodie that is going across the country to a little one whose mama we have known since she was five.  He outgrew the smaller one I had made before he was born, so of course I had to make him a larger one so he can cuddle up warmly and remember his 'extra grandma'.

5.  Signs of spring!  TWO crocuses have popped their bright yellow blooms out.

Earlier this week, I posted a picture of some daffodils that had been covered by a bag of mulch but were doing their best to find sunshine.

I took the photo below a couple of days later.  The plants are turning more green (thanks, chlorophyll) and you can see more buds, too.  Watching these plants grow and flourish is a good reminder to me of resurrection and new life.

So these are my Five Faves of gratitude from this week, as we said goodbye to February, celebrated an extra day, and now greet our new month of March.  Enjoy any sunshine you can get.  Drink lots of warm coffee and tea.  Watch for new growth to pop up from seemingly dead dirt.  Be thankful!


nikkipolani said...

Yeah, me too, on the trust update. Minor, but still needs to be done. Glad you checked that one off your list!

You make an excellent Extra Grandma. So sweet to knit something warm and cozy and such a pretty shade.

Can hardly believe that struggling daff bulb has already put out a couple of buds.

Tom said...

...whenever it happens this month, have a Happy 29th Birthday! Let's March into spring.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy March to you!! Yes, spring is in the air. We don't have daffodils or crocuses here in Florida, but our azaleas are blooming and other spring flowers are budding too. It's a lovely time of the year! I LOVE that sweet little sweater! That little baby is truly blessed to have YOU for an "extra grandma!" How do I get on that list? LOL. Have a lovely weekend.

Karen said...

Ugh, we need to get our wills updated. It keeps slipping to the bottom of my list. Thanks for the reminder!
The sweater is just darling. You will make the mama very happy and the baby is going to look darling!
The bird on the tree in your last post looks like a yellow-bellied sapsucker. I use an app called Sibley's to help identify birds. There's also a free app called Merlin that can help id birds by sound! It's fun to use and my grandkids love it.

Susan said...

Your sweater looks so comfy!!! We have a living trust, but we need to update the will. We plan to give away most of our things that the kids want in the next few years. I think our weather is confusing the plants. Have a great weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love that sweater. We plan to update and made a few changes to our will soon as well. It's good to stay on top of things like that. Spring is definitely on the way - but first we are having another big snowstorm this weekend. Our mountains may get up to 3 feet! I hope you have a good weekend! See you again soon.

ellen b. said...

Thankful for all those green pop ups that remind us a new season is coming! Yes, it is our birthday month, too. It's fun that Addy was born on the first day of Spring. Easter even ends up in March this year. Sweet cuddly sweater! Enjoy the first weekend in March.

Faith said...

I have a couple of crocuses up and it's the earliest they've ever shown up!! NO snow has really happened here in eastern NY. It's been an odd winter. We had 2 separate "storms" that left us with only 3inches at a time. One time (the 2nd one) it melted by evening. So odd.

I laughed when you wrote you were drinking coffee at 4:30 pm yesterday. SO WAS I!! i had dashed over to target and there was a chill in the air so i used a gift card and got my self a cappuccino at Starbucks. but for the most part i AM cutting down on coffee in the late afternoons. :)

LOVE the that hunter green?? If so, I love that color!!

We have to update our will soon too because some things have changed regarding the girls...mainly they no longer need a guardian!! hahah

ENJOY the mild weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

We finally got our wills done a couple of years ago after not getting to it for ages. Feels good to have that taken care of.

That baby cardigan is so cute.

We're talking about trying to get together with other folks more now that illnesses and other activities are past.

My husband's birthday is in March, too.

Our daffodils are coming up, too. I want to plant crocuses somewhere for early signs of spring in years to come.

Ingrid said...

I love the first signs of spring !! Unfortunately I still have to look for them with a magnifier ! the little cardigan is real cute ! I learned knitting at school (!!) but have forgotten how it works ! Yesterday I discovered two daffodils besides the "Cat house".