Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Colors of Spring

 Here is proof that my laptop is functioning again!

All the colors in Willow's garden!

The bees and butterflies approve.

Even the mallard ducks dropped in to check out my garden!


Monica said...

I love all the colors! Thank you for sharing your garden here!

ellen b. said...

Woohoo to the fix on your computer. So good to see all your beautiful color!

Tina said...

What beautiful flowers!

Julia said...

Your garden is full of so much beauty! Glad your computer is back up and running properly.

nikkipolani said...

Oh oh! Love those sweet williams, comfrey, and what might be phlox. Gorgeous peony (maybe Festiva Maximus?).

Anonymous said...

I think you are having fun gardening in the Midwest! Mary