Friday, May 31, 2024

The Last Day of May!

 It is the last day of May!  We are five-twelfths through the year.  Crazy!  And it's Friday and time for Friday Fave Fives with Susanne as our host.  Every week, we think back on our days and find five ways we have been blessed.  I find this exercise to be helpful for me to focus on all the good things in my life and to help me not wallow in the difficulties.  The LINK takes you to Susanne's blog where you can read more and join us.

1.  My laptop is back up and running well.  The Professor found a local guy who does this kind of repair from his home, and his place is walking distance from our house.  Saturday afternoon, we walked over and picked up the computer and had a great chat with him. (one thing I love about Ohio-- people are friendly)

2.  As I checked my little 'diary' where I keep an account of each day's happenings, I noticed that EVERY DAY this week I wrote that I worked in the garden.  My garden is my happy place.  I am so thankful that I have the space to mess with plants on the east, west, north and south sides of our home.

3.  One afternoon, our neighbor was out doing some cleaning with her power washer.  She ended up cleaning our (hers and ours) front sidewalk.  When I thanked her, she replied that she was having fun.  And the sidewalk looks like new!

4.  Our garage clean up is almost done!  We can again park our car in the garage.  The past two days, The Professor has been putting up wall hangings for our garden tools.  Am I weird to love an orderly garage?

5.  For the second week in a row, we have invited people for dinner at our house.  This youngerish couple used to be in our life group at church, but they have moved to a church closer to their home.  We miss them, so we've been having meals together regularly just to catch up on life.

And now for a bit of a photo dump...

the wedding~

Father escorting his daughter down the 'aisle'.  (note Tall Boy in the background in charge of sound)

Prayer of dedication

Cutting the cake at the reception

Sunset on a stormy evening

I am so happy to have my computer back in working order!


nikkipolani said...

What a double bonus of having your computer functioning again and meeting a (really) local guy who could do the job. Hurray for all the photos you've been able to post!

Glad to hear the wedding didn't get rained out -- looked like a beautiful day for the joining of your friends' lives.

I started keeping a diary of the same sort you have and love it when it's filled with garden projects :-)

Melanie said...

I really want to keep a diary and have started one several times. Some day I'll actually continue with it LOL

It's good you have your computer up and running and it was so easy to take and pick up. Very handy.

It's amazing how fast this year is flying by!

Susan said...

That is great that you found a guy to fix your computer. I really need to clean my computer up. I have way too many graphics on here. That is nice that you are gardening. I made a few pots with succulents. I would love to grow some zucchini and tomatoes. Nice wedding, who was getting married? Have a great weekend!

ellen b. said...

How nice to be able to spend time in your happy place outside! A computer that works is always a relief. You have assimilated well in your new corner of the world. God is good. Happy June to you!

Faith said...

beautiful wedding photos!! Remind me: a granddaughter?? grandson?

YAY for getting the computer fixed.

LOVE fussing around my little flower gardens and deck containers. In fact, my youngest girl the ballerina just surprised me with a new to me plant: meadow sage. I need to get it into a deeper pot and today's the perfect day to do so.


Gattina said...

I admire people who have a green thumb and like to work in their garden ! I love sitting in a nice garden, but I hate all garden work, I prefer to sit and enjoy a nice garden ! Nice wedding pictures !

Julia said...

Happy to hear your computer is back up and running! My garden is also my happy place along with my kitchen. I agree, it's nice to live in a place where people are friendly. And Yay for having friends over for dinner! Something I need to do more often. What lovely wedding photos! The sunset is amazing.

Susanne said...

What lovely photos of the wedding couple. Glad you're computer got fixed! I love working in the garden until the wasps come in August and then it becomes survival of the fittest. LOL. Nice of your neighbor to also do your walks. I know what she means about it being fun. It's almost mesmerizing and relaxing hosing off walks.