Friday, September 20, 2024

Is It Autumn Yet?

 It's almost Fall!  Two more days!  Are you ready for the weather to moderate and the leaves to change colors?  I am!  So many things about autumn make me happy.  Some of them made me happy this week (but not the still very hot weather).  I am sharing them as my Friday Fave Fives, my five blessings from this week. (follow the link to join us!)

1.  The flowers from my garden are all autumn colored.  I cut some and placed them in vases on my mantel where they made me smile every time I saw them.

2.  One evening after the weather cooled a bit, we walked along the paved paths by a local creek.  The heron is my favorite bird, and there was one playing bodyguard to a flock of ducks which were swimming around in the water.

3.  I finished two afghans this week.  Here is one of them-- made from leftover sock yarn.  Younger Daughter saw me knitting and claimed it.  She loves all. the. colors.

4.  I received a letter in the mail last week.  Enclosed were two packets of hollyhock seeds.  Oh my!  I am so excited for next spring when I can plant them.  Thank you, MBP!  The seeds are just a symbol of our deep and long friendship.

5.  Earlier this week, I drove out to a friend's farm to harvest some goldenrod plants.  And besides getting the plants, I had a great time chatting with my friend.  Here's hoping the plants survive all this hot weather in their new location.

So, those are my Friday Fave Fives for this week as we are moving into Autumn.  I hope you have had a good week, too.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi Willow. those flowers are so pretty! I have heard of Goldenrod, but not see it. We had cooler weather this week, but it will be warming up again. Have a great weekend!