Anyway. In the past two weeks, I have received three awards from Red Yarn, Violet Lady and Flower. I am truly honored and I get so completely thrilled when I am awarded recognition like this. This is the award...Brillante Weblog Premio~ 2008!

The award Beth gave me said I had to write an acceptance speech. So, here it is!
"I want to thank Beth for nominating me for this award! She certainly deserves this award as much as anyone. Her artwork is joyous and I love visiting her blog to see what new pictures and recipes she has shared. I would also like to thank Violet Lady. She makes me smile, especially when she writes about how much she loves cabins. I would also like to thank my blog buddies for their support, comments and encouragement. I really do think about what I am planning to write (all the time) and who will read my words and look at my photos. My children deserve the credit for encouraging me to start this blog, develop my talents as a knitter and writer and open a website and sell my handspun yarn and various original creations (coming soon, I hope!). The Professor is my constant companion and biggest supporter and fan, and he aids and abets my photography habit/addiction by stopping or turning around as we're driving somewhere so I can get a better shot, tries to hold me accountable to not buy more yarn for my stash this year, and makes me a latte every morning. I love the fact that the blogging world has brought me much joy through meeting other bloggers virtually and in person, reading and learning about their lives."
Flower gave me this award, too. Her version of the acceptance speech says I am to write six random things that are true about me today. My six random things are:
1. I am enchanted with my grandson. When he is visiting Willow's Cottage with his mama, I spend my day trying to make him laugh. We've discovered that Arnold impersonations and peekaboo make him chortle and laugh his adorable little belly laugh.
2. My blog name is Willow because when I worked at a summer camp I had to choose a bird name for myself and I chose a willow finch because I have blonde hair. The name got shortened to Willow and I've been Willow ever since to an ever increasing group of people.
3. I love reading about history. Right now I'm reading The Bounty by Caroline Alexander, which is the true story of the mutiny by Fletcher Christian against Captain Bligh near Tahiti.
4. I like Pepsi but I don't drink it anymore. I quit drinking it several years ago to save the calcium in my bones.
5. I do not like the color orange. Just don't like it.
6. I am knitting a bunny for my grandson (see #1). I put grey and white yarn out and he grabbed the white yarn, so he's getting a white bunny. I also laid out several colors of yarn and twice he chose the navy, so Edward Bunny Rabbit is getting a knitted navy shirt. Edward looks like Eleanor Elizabeth Rabbit whose photo is on my side bar, except he's made of acrylic yarn instead of handspun and hand dyed wool.
Here are the rules for accepting and passing on the award.
1. Please put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. You must nominate 7 fellow bloggers for this award.
4. Add links to the recipients.
5. Leave a comment so the recipients know they have received an award. 6. Write an acceptance speech in the style of the Academy Awards, thanking everybody's mother, father, sister, brother, aunties and uncles and kitchen staff at your favorite restaurant! OR write 6 random facts about yourself.
Now, I want to give this award to the following seven people:
Knitting Linguist-- I love reading this blog. Great and witty writing and I even understand when she writes about linguistics.
Ramblings from an English Garden-- A dear and generous friend! And beautiful photography!
Sanna's Bag-- Roxie's writing is rich and expressive and makes me laugh. My knitting mentor.
Happy Wonderer-- My walking buddy. Neighbor. Brilliant photographer. It was a good day when we agreed to meet at the local coffee bar.
Two Frog Home-- I admire Kathie's commitment to living the not normal life. She inspires me with every post.
Nikkipolani-- Anne takes incredible photographs of flowers and cats!
Pink Purl-- Tracy combines wonderful, brilliant, creative writing and crafting with a delightful and gentle spirit.
And another blog, just because: Much Ado About Something-- Sara is a real life friend as well as blogger friend. I enjoy seeing her photos of her hometown because I love that town too!
Actually, I have so many other blogs I'd love to nominate I should just say, this is for everyone who comes to my blog to read and comment and for every blog I read!
Just wanted to drop by and let you know I've been thinking of you since the shaker. Hope all is well with you.
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
Congratulations, Willow! And you are a super-sweetheart to share this award with me to--many thanks, my friend! :o) And I loved reading your list today. I'm with you on the color orange--I just can't warm up that one, never could really. Many award recpients here I've not visited to go see. Happy Day ((HUGS))
This Award is interesting in that it comes with different assignments from each person. You answered each one very well!
Thanks Willow! That was a good day when we met. Blessings...
Oh, Willow -- Thank you so much! I'm truly touched :) You are most definitely deserving of this award; I love coming to your blog to see your latest photos and to hear about your life. Thanks for inspiring me to take more pictures each day! And now I'll have to check out those other blogs you listed ;)
I'm not crazy about orange either.
I think playing with the new boy is the perfect reason for bloglessness!
Congratulations on your awards!
Thank you Willow I am honoured to receive it. I am glad I did not get all these acceptance provisos with the 3 of the same awards I have already received.
I will of course link it back to you but don't think I will abide by all the rules.
Your seven random things were very interesting! I learned a thing or two about you.
Congratulations on your award, and thank you for sending it my way...I am honored!
On the color wheel, orange is opposite blue, your favorite color. Perhaps that's why you find it so unattractive....
Oh, I'm back again to answer your dad was in the navy during WWII, but later in life he worked for civil service in a "blue collar" job at Camp Pendleton, at a base in 29 Palms, and another one near Hanford so you were right about the military connection and our moving around.
I think I would be disappointed if you chose blogging over the cute grandchild. He is precious - and I know you are enjoying each moment. I love the way that blogging helps the world seem a bit smaller and allows friendships to blossom. I always enjoy my visits to your blog. Congrats on your awards.
Thank you for the award - you generous woman. I don't know how to pick up the thingy though, so will need a little coaching.
We're all busy in summer Willow.
Give yourself the grace to enjoy the little fellow. I can see why it's hard to blog with him around.
Our little man just started crawling.
Enjoy your new awards.
How lovely of you! I've posted my six random things and am leaving in 21 minutes for Acres of Books :-D
Ah . ..the little ones get the priority in the summer months. .and the autumn months. .and I imagine all the months. I so enjoyed the little true tidbits about you willow. . especially how you got your name.
Congratulations on your award. Yes I find that I am seeing the world slightly differently thiking "will that make a good photograph?" etc. Blog-land is such a special place where you really can get to know people who share your interests.
Ooooh, congratulations!!! May the Ventura Fair also bring lovely recognition of your handiwork :)
Yeah, clap, clap, clap... you are so deserving!!! I just have one thing to say, ... WHAT is wrong with the color orange??? It is a happy color! If you look at my blog today you will plainly see that I love orange (just like pink, it is in the red category which you know i love!). It is also the compliment of blue (your favorite color!) so one would think that you could slightly appreciate it as it brings out the brilliance of blue when placed nearby. I will have Nathaniel include you in his prayers tonight, that you reconsider this!!! ;)
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