One of the first evenings we were in London, we were walking along a street on our way to Hard Rock Cafe London and suddenly The Guys, who were walking ahead of us Ladies, stopped, turned, and stared.

They pointed to these plaques.

The top plaque is easier to read in my photos. The lower plaque makes similar statements from the British perspective.
I find it ironic that today, July 4th, we are celebrating our independence from a country that has been for the past two hundred years (since the close of the War of 1812, in 1814, just before the Battle of New Orleans) our closest ally in war and friend in peace. May both these countries continue to stand and fight for freedom from tyranny and justice for the oppressed.
I send a special thanks to my family members who have fought in war times--my father, my father-in-law, The Professor, our uncles, our son and son-in-law and their many friends--THANK YOU!

Thanks for flying your flag proudly (and for the wonderful bit of history)!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
God bless the USA and our allies.
Thanks for sharing your discovery with us.
Very cool Willow. A special thank you to your Chaplain and son-in-law who are serving right now...
May our two nations continue to coexhist peacefully.
Well, I wouldn't exactly call what I do _fighting_ during wartime... :} I mean, it's kind of hard to think of myself as a fighter when I don't carry a weapon, but thank you. :}
My husband and I love history too. I hope that isn't geeky :)
Thanks for sharing your insights.
Happy 4th Willow! That is a really powerful thought... just goes to show that any adversity can be overcome!
It's amazing what one can find in another country to bring tribute to your special Day.
What a happy and appropriate encounter for you all on the 4 July. Marion
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