This year, 2008, I have decided to provide links back to the Nine Carols and Lessons for any one who would like to read them during the ten days before Christmas.
I've been looking out at the camellias and yes, they are blooming again. I did decide to keep them and not pull them out and I do love to see the different varieties and colors in the nine bushes. Dark pink, light pink, variegated.

I think I'll do some cookie baking next week. Sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies. How about ginger snaps?
How are you preparing for Christmas?
Wish I were there to get ready for Christmas with you! The kittens are frantically chasing each other around the house, knocking over everything in their path. I think they miss you. ;o)
Do you royal icing or the regular (easier in my opinion) powdered sugar frosting when decorating sugar cookies? I've never found one beyond royal icing that gets hard enough to stack or pack well.
I made Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies last night. The recipe is from my friend's Mom. And it is my favorite cookie recipe. I made them extra small so I could take some to work and share.
Oh girl! I thought I'd drop dead after my day yesterday but God is good and gives me strength. The house is decorated (in a minor key) the cards are addressed (praise God from whom all blessings flow) my roots are covered up (yippee for Sherri!) And I even made dinner (Shrimp alfredo) I'm taking the day off today :0)Love the doggy cookie...
Planning on making cookies.
Searching for my little wooden German angels which have gone missing...........
Admiring your super pink flowers!
It sounds like Christmas over there! We're not doing too much yet (finals week is next week), but I'm looking forward to settling down to some decorating and baking after that's all over :)
What beautiful camelias. I never get too muc of pink. I'm afraid I haven't even taken down my Thanksgiving decorations, not that I had that many up, but I did have some knitted pumpkins out.
I love bakinig sugar cookies..or shoud I say I love decorating them. The whoe baking, chilling, cutting out part can be kind of tedious. I love copper cookie cutters. In fact, I think I'll go online to see if I don't "need" a new one.
You asked about what yarn I used for my latest bunny. I think it was Cascade, and it was mostly angora. Isn't that appropriate? It felt wonderful to knit with.
Thanks for helping me get in the Christmas spirit.
The cookies look so tasty. I bought some cute baubles to hang on the tree and have bought all the presents. That's it so far.
Hey, I just finished baking ginger snaps and Pheffernusse, and there's some shortbread on the go....
I look forward to reading your posts from the previous December.
My little boy is sleeping soundly under the beautiful Christmas lights.
Beautiful and delicious looking cookies Willow.
I read your previous post (must sort out the blogs on my side bar as I keep missing you off).
There was a programme on TV saying how a very old palace was now lost in London. It turned out that some of it survived inside other more modern structures. There was enough to be able to say with certainty what it was made of, and coupled with engravings/paintings what it would've looked like when the area was fields.
Cookies sounds like a very good thing! Last weekend I baked some chocolate chunk cookies...But I will soon make some more, maybe my mom's soft sugar cookies or pumpkin raisin...mmm...I love cookies at Christmas. Since we will be away much of the Christmas holiday, we're keeping things simple here at home, but still baking, making and enjoying! Hope you show some cookie before they're eaten up! ;o) Happy weekend, Willow ((HUGS))
Your photos are amazing: beautiful and delicious! I'm hoping to bake some biscotti for local friends. We are opening the advent calendars (we always get at least 3 from my parents!). I'm trying to be more aware of the preparation... of my attitude and my heart. I usually get so wrapped up in buying gifts and making things, that I forget to pay attention to the real celebration of Christ's birth. I am so thankful for all of my family and my friends... I don't even need any gifts for Christmas!
Those Camelias are amazing...I want them in my garden :) The only thing I do for xmas is shop, shop and shop. The Xmas tree is up at my mom's place so the children are excited over the gifts placed there every year..well, me too :D
Mmmm, I love homemade gingersnaps, especially when they are soft and chewy and not "snappy" at all. But with lots and lots of ginger (I put in twice what the recipe calls for).
Those camellias are so pretty...I'm glad you kept them.
Direction...hmmmm...I'll think about that!! Good idea!
I could eat one or two of the sugar cookies right now!!
Hi again Willow...
Over on Susanna's Sketchbook (in my sidebar) on her Dec 3 post, in the photo with the jacket and gauzy skirt, there is a garland made of balls of yarn. I didn't even notice it until I read her words then went back to see it. Thought you'd be interested in the idea (or maybe you already have seen such a thing!) since you are the Queen of Yarn.
Like the top Camelia best. Beautiful.
Made a large Gingerbread this afternoon as one of my Christmas extras.
Have posted the throw at last.
I love those camellias, so beautiful and full, as pink is my favotite color.
Every year I plan to make cookies - sometimes I do and sometimes not. I really want the roll out butter Christmas cookies, but I can never get the dough to cooperate. I chill it and it still just doesn't seem to work for me.
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