Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Friday Fave Five, Last Week of July

I am a bit late to the party this week because we are OOT again kitty sitting. But all week long, I was thinking about Fave Fives. When there were bumps in my road of life, I just focused on what I could post today!
So, here are five great things that happened to me this last week of July,2009.

1. Mention on David McMahon's blog. My post about LaJolla Beach was a top contender for Post Of The Day (POTD). David is a journalist, author, professional photographer from Melbourne, Australia. Getting kuddoes from him always makes my week!

2. Helping at the County Fair. Judging the knitting submissions. That was fun. I got to touch, examine and rate some really lovely knitted items and interact with other women who love knitting as much as I do.

3. Going to the beach during the Weekend of the High Waves. I love to watch the waves crashing and the spray blowing in the breeze! We parked our car at Pt. Mugu Rock where we could see the waves pushing up the 30 foot cliff and sending clouds of spray even higher.

4. Morning Fog and Afternoon Breezes. While the Pacific Northwest is sizzling, we're just plugging along with pleasant 80s temperatures. While Southern California does have really hot temperatures just a few miles inland from Willow's Cottage, we have not been overly warm, and for that I am truly thankful.

5. Figuring out a spinning problem that was keeping me awake at night. I am doing some spinning for someone and I thought my yardage wasn't coming out correctly. After a phone conversation, I realized I had just misunderstood the instructions. What a relief!

There you have it- my week in review. How about your week? What rates as a fave in your life? You can share here in my comments or post your link over at Susanne's blog Living To Tell The Story.


j said...

You DID have a great week! I had never thought of how judging a county fair would bring such benefits but you are right... I've certainly never gotten to touch any of the items submitted.

Thank you for coming by and linking up. It is very nice to meet you!

nikkipolani said...

Fun week! And with mild temps, too. I can see how #2 Fave is a perfect fit for you, Knitting Queen! Love that shot of the saves - I can almost smell that sea air.

ellen b. said...

What fair did you help judge at...Ventura? That's cool. love the big waves crashing! Glad you got your spinning problem worked out. enjoy the beach sitting I mean cat sitting...

Jerralea said...

Great attitude, Willow! It does help through the week to think, "Can I use this for FFF?" How neat that you are a judge at the county fair! I never knew anyone that was a judge ... Congrats on being post of the day! Words of affirmation are sweet!

Jientje said...

Those high waves must really be something! Congratulations on POTD!! It's indeed a great compliment from David!

Ingrid said...

Looks like a nice and peaceful week ! I should learn spinning, my black cat is a real sheep ! she produces so much hair !

Tracy said...

A wonderful week, Willow! And so great you got the spinning problem solved! :o) That huge, crashing wave is stunning...can almost feel the sea spray! This week has been a good one here--lots of knitting! ;o) Happy weekend, my friend ((HUGS))

roxie said...

Ok, so as a judge, how much are you influenced by personal likes and dislikes, and how much can you go on just quality of work? for example how do you judge a complicated exquisitely knit lace sweater in orange, turquiose and purple yarn that pools unfortunately over the bosom? Does it get a blue over another lace sweater in a simpler pattern, knit perfectly in all white? How much does your love of all things blue influence your judgement? After all those years taking home blue and purple ribbons, how does it feel to be handing them out?

Islandsparrow said...

I'd love to see those waves - we don't get large ones very often - certainly never 30 ft ones. But every now and then, especially in the fall, we get some biggies. And I love to see them crashing against the shore.

Congratulations for the POTD mention - especially from a professional photographer - that would be an honour!

Flower said...

You have reached the top of the knitting mountain in judging at the fair!! Love the cliff photo!!
Have a good week spinning, knitting and playing with that kitty!! I still want to see it's face! :))

Hazel said...

Wow you knit! When I was a kid I remember we lived near a knitting shop. My favorite were always the tiny baby shoes. Morning fog and afternoon breezes sound very lovely to me. And now that I've said what sounds lovely to me, I must say County Fair and Willow's Cottage are music to my ears too.

P.S. Thanks for letting me have your share of the durian chips :-)

Donnetta said...

We look forward to the fair every fall. In fact, just last night we were talking about it coming in a few weeks.

Interesting you mention the Pacific NW as that is where I am. Today forecasts of 100 or more. HOT!

Enjoy your lovely temps of 80's. Nice...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your POTD. Love the pictures and anything with the beach is wonderful.

Rabbit, rabbit

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

What a great week! Ah, but the highlight had to be the Country Fair and judging the knitting ~ how cool is that? Your LaJolla post was outstanding and I'm glad it was recognized as such! Well done and another lovely week at Willow's Cottage :)

Kari said...

I love your beach/water pictures. Makes me miss CA.
Congratulations on being mentioned as a POTD. - Awesome.
Happy Weekend.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Judging at the county fair must have been such a cool experience. I've always wondered what that's like--being able to touch, examine and look at every detail of such beautiful pieces. What a treat!


Sharon Lynne said...

I like watching waves, too. I love your wave crashing picture.