Tuesday, November 09, 2010


An update on the Drawer and Shelf Attack.

1. Counters cleaned off.  Check.
2.  Papers recycled.  Check.

It looks so much better.

3.  One medium box of photos and negatives organized.  Check.  I had a quick look at all the photos in the box which was being stored in the closet and eliminated all the duplicates.  Why do school picture companies give out multiple photos to teachers?  I recycled several years of school pictures of Mrs. Willow and kept only one copy from each year.  Then I gathered the negatives from that box and put them all in a small photo box, so I was able to break down and recycle the larger box.  Then I filed children's pictures in their own sections in a second photo box. I've been dreading even starting again on the photo project because it seems so overwhelming, but now I see that just 45 minutes can make a huge difference, a major dent in the picture mountain.  Next step will be to decide which photos are destined for the scanner.

4.  Two minutes to look through jewelry.  Check.  Why did I keep that necklace?  Out it moved, into the donation bag.


roxie said...

Yup, you CAN eat an elephant. Just take one bite at a time. Breaking those projects into bite-sized pieces is the only way I can get some things done.

Unknown said...

Yeah, well done you, "slowly, slowly catchee monkee"

Hollace said...

Good for you! I'm impressed and envious.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

You inspire me, dear Willow!!! Must look through my home to clear out stuff!!! Just stopping in to give you my love!! You're in my thoughts! ~Janine XO

"Sunshine" said...

Good for you, Willow.
Some of you bloggers are so inspiring; keep it up...I have done the 333 and love it. Now on to my next task of simplicity. I went on a retreat this past weekend and one of the things the speaker touched on was "Simplicity"..It confirmed the journey I am on...

ellen b. said...

Well you are really the energizer bunny with your organizing! Good job!