Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pandora's Juke Box

Am I the only person in the universe who didn't know about listening to music on Pandora Radio?  I'm so excited!  Christmas music.  All. Month. Long.


roxie said...

I still don't know about it because you haven't told us1 What is Pandora Radio and how do I find it?

ellen b. said...

You're not alone my friend.

Willow said... You will be asked to, "Enter an artist, song or composer. We'll create a radio station featuring that music and more like it." The songs will play on your computer.

And, Willow, "There's an app for that." Remember the night you saw me listening to music on my phone? I had loaded the Pandora application and loaded it with "Nat 'King' Cole." It did a good job of giving me music I liked.

The Professor

Dorothy said...

Thanks, Willow! I never heard of Pandora Radio until now either!