Thursday, January 10, 2013

Back to Routine

It was back to class this week which means I'm back in my routine.  I'm missing my lazy days!  The week has been a bit of a blur.  Let's see...can I remember what happened this week, events for which I'm thankful?

1.  The bad news:  our exceedingly aged microwave died.  The good news:  we can replace it easily.  We thought the oven and microwave were attached as one unit, but they're not.  More good news:  the amusement factor.  When I posted on facebook about it, many people mentioned that theirs had died too, including two cousins.  Is it an epidemic??

2.  The bad news:  The Professor's laptop's hard drive killed itself.  Dead. Very Dead.   The good news:  there was a great deal on just the right replacement.  He drove to the store and brought a new one home.

3.  No bad news about this:  we attended the first part of a three week seminar on using a digital camera.  The program is free, part of a series of seminars at the local library.  Instead of the expected 30 attendees, there were at least 150 people!  Even in this first program there was great information.  We enjoyed it and plan to attend the next two seminars as well.

4.  The really good news.  While #2 Son is visiting and waiting for visa paperwork to be processed so he can return to his research location, he has designated himself Chief Chef.  The boy is an inspired cook!  I taught him well--at least I gave him the basic tools and provided a positive environment for him to develop his own skills.  We are being fed quite well.  This was lunch--leftover lentil soup.  Delicious!  Magnificent! Delectable!  And it pleased me to eat it with a turquoise spoon.

5.  I can't let a week go by without knitting.  I finished two sets of leg warmers for a friend who will wear them with her boots--
the gray and navy ones are reversible.

Modeled by Miss P.

I hope you will continue to focus on the positive things every day.  We are certainly bombarded by negative news constantly, but it's crucial that we remember the good.  Susanne leads the way each week with Friday Fave Five.

This week I'm praying for the students and staff at Taft High School--just a few hours from me.


Marg said...

Yes, I agree...the news is so sad...Just a few hours from you?
Keep knitting.
I am now learning cables....I wish you were closer...then I could hop over and figure it out. I have really enjoyed some nice projects. Have made some cute booties and knitted them nice and high...
Some day I will model them.

nikkipolani said...

Oh my... a microwave epidemic? Mine is sure to catch it! Who knew there'd be such a turn out for a digital camera class?! Wow.

Tracy said...

LOVE the legwarmers... So very sad about Taft High... ((HUGS))

Kathie said...

oh a free digital photography course - I'd like that! I just started an art course last night. Unfortunately not free but I think I'm going to love it and learn a lot too.

Those leg warmers are great - very clever to make them reversible!

Sad news about Taft

Heather said...

That's great your appliances were able to be fixed pretty fast. It can be a pain sometimes.

That is great your son is a good cook! My oldest like to help me some.

I would love to go to a course on photography. I love taking and editing pictures.

You do pretty work!! How neat!

ellen b. said...

Oh you have coffee service and food service. What a treat! Love the turquoise spoon!!

Anonymous said...

LOVING! the grey/blue leg warmers. Fancy knitting some and sending some to me :) pretty please :)

Very sad news about Taft but like you say when we are bombarded with bad news it is good to try and focus on some of the good too xx

Barbara H. said...

It's so wonderful when one of your kids cooks for you!

It's nice the good news helped compensate for the bad.

Your knitted things look great! The seminar sounds great.

Gracie Saylor said...

Loss and challenges certainly do help us appreciate what works and is creative, doesn't it. I am saddened by the losses around us, but very glad for the happiness you have known this week :)
xx from Gracie

Susanne said...

So very heartbreaking what happened at the school. I haven't watched the news in the past week so hadn't realized that had happened.

That is awesome that the library is offering those classes for free! I'm not surprised there were so many. Those classes can be expensive. At least around here they are.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Yay for replacements! Those legwarmers are so cute with boots. Just love that.

Oh, I'd love to have a chief chef!

My prayers join with yours for Taft High School. Take care.

Bethany said...

Those boot warmers are really popular right now... I think they are a great idea! Your friend is very lucky! I'm going to have to work into conversation with my own kids, how your son is cooking for you (and maybe someday I can enjoy that too!). I've literally ignored the news for the past week because I can't handle it anymore. And I've surrounded myself with very positive, inspiring people so that has been wonderful. These tragedies make me even more focused on finishing school so I can do some good, especially with teens.

susan said...

So how in the world do you knit reversible leg warmers? I cannot even fathom that. I will do a Google search after I comment. Your friend is lucky to have you around. :)

A new microwave and hard drive - so glad they were replaces so easily.

I'd love to take a digital camera class. Maybe you can post a few of the tips at your site?

Wahoo about having a chief cook at home. WTG mom~!

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

I love your week in reviews :) Having your son cook for you has to be a huge treat! I would also enjoy taking a photography class and maybe after this last trial I am working on is over I'll have the time to do something like that!

Jerralea said...

Like your good news/bad news format. Always something good can be found.

Hurrah for a son who is a creative cook! I agree that a turquoise spoon should make it even more enjoyable. (As you know, I'm a lover of all things dish-related.)

Sorry to hear about your microwave. Mine died two years ago after 25 years of faithful service. It's been challenging getting used to its replacement: a little microwave that we like to call "Turbo-Mic!"

Knitting Linguist said...

I am with you! Seeing what's going well somehow makes it even easier to see the good the next time around. I'll chime in with my overall very easy recovery from getting two wisdom teeth extracted on Friday - hooray!

Ingrid said...

That's very annoying when things break down and at the same time ! My son also loves cooking and prepares nice plates, isn't that easy, lol ?

Aqeela said...

It took me several attempts to read 'chief chef' correctly - i kept on pronouncing the 'ch' sound in chef instead of 'sh' - the chief bit confused me!
Glad your finding the positive in things, its a great quality to have and to share with others, xx

Barbara said...

Think it's leg warmers I need here with all the snow. Remember when they were the height of fashion some decades ago!