Thursday, January 17, 2013

Weekly Check In

Not much to say here today.  After four days of severe neck/shoulder pain, I'm exhausted.  Pain makes me tired.  However, I am truly thankful for these things:

1. My men.  They are taking great care of me.  Cooking, fetching, helping.

2. Cold packs.  I use a bag of frozen veggies.

3. Heat.  Sometimes the heating pad helps.

4.  Rest.  See #1.

5. Drugs.  Pain killers are my friend.

There has been a little bit of knitting but no photos.  Imagine a Harry Potter inspired 'Weasley Sweater', size 5 (child), blue, with a large red N on the front.  It's going to be so very cute.  The New Boy asks for one every year.  He's outgrown this one.

That's about it.  Although it has been a tiring week, I am still looking for and finding positive things in my week to share for Friday Fave Five.


nikkipolani said...

Uh, I'm sorry about your week of pain. Hoping that all your faves this week will make next week better. And that you get more of #4!

Tracy said...

Hope you are feeling better soon, Willow! How BIG is that New Boy??!! ((HUGS))

ellen b. said...

That's great that he asks for a new one. Sorry for your pain. Oye! It does really take it all out of you. Hope it goes away soon!!

Barbara said...

Hope it clears soon. Pain can be exhausting I know. Have struggled with Sciatica since October and the hardest part is not being able to sleep with the nerve pain. After a few nights I have to take some Codeine to relax the muscles and numb the pain but try not to. Improving very slowly with Osteopathy. Manage to keep going but I should not be sitting at the computer so much.

Schotzy said...

So glad you ahve such fine helpers and good care!!!!

Julene said...

Do take care! I wonder if a good therapeutic message would be helpful?
The weekend is almost here! We are headed to B for LA 7th birthday. I have two days off! Our bb's are growing up!! Love the sweater....and sounds like he does as well!
Off to work.

Faith said...

Oh NO! so sorry to hear about your neck! I recommend a good chiropractor or massage therapist....the chiro worked wonders for my lower back pain i had for 3 months with the sciatica. I now do a fitness core routine that really works. Glad the frozen veggies help....i did the same thing for an ice pack! Praying you are pain free by this time next week!! That sweater is so cute!!

Kathie said...

So sorry you're in such pain Willow! And I hope you're feeling much better soon. Saying a prayer for you right now.

Karen said...

There's something so sweet about boys in jeans with holes in the knees. What a cutie he is.

Feel better soon:)

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Do show us the sweater once it's done! Sorry you've had a hard week. I had a bout with that in November, coupled with headaches! It got really bad so I finally went to the doctor. Inflammation of a nerve. Meds and a new pillow definitely helped.

I do hope you're better soon!

Heather said...

I'm sorry that you aren't feeling good. Pain is never any fun. Praying you feel better,but so glad to see things you are still thankful for.

Gracie Saylor said...

So sad about your pain, but so glad for your good care...frozen vegetables included :)

The sweater you knit and its model are delightful!

Thanks for posting.


Leigh said...

Hi Willow. You visited my blog awhile back and I don't think I ever returned the visit. Great idea about the frozen veggies as an ice pack. I know that pain is difficult to live with though. Have to say that sweater is really cute too.

Caroline said...

So sorry to hear about your pain. It's so hard to do anything when it hurts to move! I love New Boy's sweater. It's so neat that he wants another one. His sweater reminds me of a cute, Harry Potter, Christmas ornament I saw on Ravelry one time.

Ingrid said...

Poor you ! hope it will getting better very soon !

Knitting Linguist said...

Pain really is exhausting. I am so sorry to hear that you're hurting, but really glad that you are being so well-taken-care-of - that makes a huge difference, as does getting the rest you need to heal. Take care!