Thursday, January 03, 2013

First Fave Five of 2013

Are you still typing and writing 2012?  I am.  I have to stop and look to make sure my hands are keeping up with the dates.  Happy New Year!  2013!  Is it possible?  My mental calender has me somewhere back in November thinking about Thanksgiving plans.

Keeping connection with my Word for the Year, SAVE, here are my Five Faves for this week.  I saved my time, attention, money and personal energy to do what is most important to me--spend quality time with people I care about.

1. My daughter was gifted a LARGE amount on a coffee shop gift card, and she generously shared it with her family every day.  Mmmmmm... can I just say Soy Peppermint Mocha No Whip?

2. San Diego Zoo.  We visit the Zoo every time we are in San Diego.  Finally we decided it's just simpler to buy the yearly pass.  So we did.  It's a favorite place of the grandchildren too.  We each chose an animal to see.

3. The Hobbit!  Loved it. We put the littles to bed, hired a babysitter, and the adults went to watch it at a local theatre.  Martin Freeman is brilliant as Bilbo although I have to make a mental leap from seeing him as Watson to being Bilbo.  I recommend it.  Go watch it.

4. What did you do on New Year's Eve?  We enjoyed two special meals with friends.  We lunched at an Indian restaurant in LaJolla with a young man from Chennai (Madras) along with two of our own kids and two more of their friends.  Lentil soup and samosas.  Lively conversation.  An invitation to visit and sample 'real South Indian cuisine'.  That's an invitation we will certainly arrange to accept the next time we drive down to San Diego.  Then in the early evening we enjoyed dinner with a couple we hadn't seen in almost ten years.  We all agreed we need to get together sooner than that next time.

5. The best part of the week and of New Year's Eve was pulling into our drive, parking our car, dragging in our suitcases, and snuggling in our own bed after eleven nights away. There's no place like home.

Bonus:  Happy Third Birthday to Our Little R!

There we have it.  My first (partial) week of 2013.  My hope is that I will remember to always be thankful and be faithful to express it in print weekly again this year via Susanne's Friday Fave Fives.


nikkipolani said...

I thought Martin Freeman made a fantastic Bilbo, too. What a smart idea to get an annual pass to a place you visit frequently! Mmmm, Indian food sounds lovely.

Otto ammattikissa said...

just to say hello.

=D I also do have same problem, I write still 2012...and it is funny(?) but second time when I'm use to write wrong year is on summer between June and July.

Tracy said...

Happy New Year, Willow! We LOVED The Hobbit too! Can't wait for film two--a whole year away yet! We received a gift card for our local movie theater--hooray! Lovely musing to begin a new year with here... And please pass me a Soy Peppermint Mocha...but I'll indulge in some Whip! ;o) Wishing you & yours all the best of LOVE, PEACE & JOY in 2013 ((HUGS))

Bethany said...

I was thinking the same thing about Martin Freeman-- we are such Sherlock fans here!!! But it was good (just very long!). It's been years now since I went to the zoo and I miss it. Excellent idea about the yearly pass. We stay in for New Years but that's the way I like it. I have been thinking about your last post (which is why I haven't commented yet) and I think my word for this year is GROW. I have a lot to learn in a lot of areas, and I think this covers how I feel about that. Mainly I want to grow as a confident adult (I know-- it's about time) because I think that it's hard to be successful in everything else without learning that lesson. Okay-- maybe my word should be CONFIDENCE! ;)

Heather said...

It's hard to believe it is 2013! Sounds like a great week!

We were away for one night during Christmas week and were ready for our beds ha!

I love coffee! How nice it was of your daughter to share her gift card with the rest of the family. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Jerralea said...

Sounds like a wonderful week for you; but definitely, there is no feeling like coming home after a few days away!

I do love to go to the zoo - it's been a long time since I've done so.

ellen b. said...

11 nights! You really had a nice long visit. We still haven't seen The Hobbit. The rest of the family has...
It really is nice to flop into your own bed...

Susan said...

I haven't been to the zoo in years and years. I look forward to doing that since my #1 grandchild will be born in a month or so.

LOVE the photo of the zebras. The bear looks so flat like a rug!

I am thinking about a word for the year. Reading your post and Mw's post has shown me this is something I want to do. At this point my word is "house."

On New Year's Eve I went to a friend'shome with my sister and her family. we had snacks and lots of conversations. I went home before midnight but heard festivities outside my door. :)

Have a great week, Willow.

Faith said...

Oh I loved Martin as Bilbo!! (my oldest is a huge Sherlock fan, too). I'm more excited about seeing Les Miserables but the rest of the fam LOVED the Hobbit.

Sounds like you have a lovely start to the new year.....

enjoy the weekend!!

Barbara H. said...

We watched The Hobbit last week and loved it. I hadn't known that the main actor was also in Sherlock until I saw a photo from the series recently -- I haven't seen that yet but want to.

I've heard the San Diego Zoo is one of the best. In fact, one video we used to check out of the library regularly when the kids were little was a performance of Carnival of the Animals filmed partly there. The season's pass makes sense!

Susanne said...

Yay for large gift cards. I'm going to have to try a soy drink from a coffee shop.

I wasn't a big fan of Lord of the Rings so haven't had much desire to see the Hobbit. Maybe when it gets to the discount theater I'll go and see it.

Happy New Year!

Caroline said...

Well, I haven't written 2013 yet, ha, ha, but in two more days, I'll be back in the swing of things...and accidentally writing 2012, I'm sure. Your list is wonderful. We haven't been to see The Hobbit yet. We went to see Les Mis on Christmas Day, which I liked, but didn't love. I think I prefer it on stage.

Kathie said...

I have trouble remembering to change the month let alone the year!

We don't have any zoos here on the Island. But I've visited some on trips and I enjoy it too. Especially Sea World - is that a zoo? Oh well . . . :)

I need to see the Hobbit. Hopefully this week!

Happy New Year Willow!

Julene said...

I follow you....the time between Thanksgiving and New Years keeps getting shorter!
Good week and good year to you!!

Marg said...

I love how you spontaneously took advantage of things that help build relationships. Coffee, card, SD Zoo. What better opportunities than to spend time with those you love.

Ingrid said...

I also like to visit a zoo, that's a good idea to have bought an entrance for the whole year !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

How nice to live close to such a wonderful zoo!! It looks like so much fun.

snoopydogknits said...

Hello Willow! HAPPY NEW YEAR to you! May 2013 bring you everything you wish for! Ros

Stevie said...

Whew! That's along trip. We just got back from celebrating Christmas with the in-laws and, boy, were the goats mad about the late milking! But Christmas is finally over. Well, as soon as we get the presents put away. Again. Stevie

Gracie Saylor said...

Brilliant idea to get a year's pass to the SD zoo! I am shocked to realize it has been over 40 years since I visited it, but I can imagine you will have many happy visits there since you live so much closer to it than I do, Willow. :) Gracie

Barbara said...

Nice to go travelling but oh so nice to get home.

Wishing you a very happy and Blessed 2013.