Thursday, November 19, 2015

Friday Fave Fives

The week before Thanksgiving.
Seven more days of November Thankfulness
another week of Friday Fave Fives.

1.  My computer had a problem this week.  It didn't display the black screen of death, but it was a very sick and sad shade of gray.  I could still read my email.  Sort of.  The Professor, he of the magic hands, figured out what was wrong and fixed it.  Evidently it had something to do with the video drivers...I don't know exactly.  Go ask him.  He's the King of Computer Healing.  Whatever he did, it worked, and I have my shiny screen of summer brightness back.

This counts as my November 18th Thankfulness.  I don't have to purchase a new computer because the fix for the dark screen was really easy (if like The Professor you knew what you were doing).

2.  I had a very encouraging conversation with a student's mom.  She was happy that her son is loving my class and learning better writing skills.  This is what keeps me teaching.
And this is my November 19th addition to my November Thankfulness list.

3.  Another student, who I am also tutoring during the week, is moving next month because her father is taking a job in another state.  She wrote me a note to tell me that she doesn't want to move unless I move there, too!  How sweet is that?

4.  I love the colors of autumn.
Southern California has autumn color, too.

5.  My potted geraniums just keep blooming.  Geraniums are wonderful.  They're easy to grow.  And their flowers are so very bright and cheerful.  

In comparison to what others around the world are suffering, my life is sheltered and so easy.  I don't want my Friday Fave Fives to seem trivial.  But sometimes it's best to focus on small, simple things which are also blessings.  I am truly thankful that I have clean water to drink, a warm and safe home.  No one is shooting at me.  I am very aware that others deal with these issues daily.  But sometimes kind words and beautiful flowers help to keep my priorities right.


Faith said...

Amen to eing thankful for what we enjoy here in America. My heart has been so sad for sll the strife goingmon in this world. Makes me truly grateful for our lives here. Love your autumn color pic!! and how sweet of those is a blessing to teach isnt it?? dnjoy the weekend!

Monica said...

I'm not a teacher but I sure feel for those who are. Kids are not what they used to be... There are these rare exceptions. That would melt my heart and make it all worth it.
I am going to get a new computer soon... mine is XP and blogger doesn't work well with it. I can't load the new Google or IE becuase my system is too old. :(
Hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving if we don't get to see you before then! :)

Ann said...

Always nice to know when you have made a difference in a young person's life!!

nikkipolani said...

You're certainly right about our lives compared with the rest of the world. May we never take it for granted even while we enjoy easy plants and fixed computers!

Jerralea said...

I'm so glad you have a Computer Healer there with you!

We do have very blessed lives here in this part of the world. May we always be grateful!

I love simple blessings as blue skies, read leaves and blooming flowers, too.

Meredith said...

Seeing the beauty in simple moments is a gift, thank you for reminding us to do that.

Barbara H. said...

I'm thankful to have a son who works on computers remotely for a living and has his company's permission to use their equipment on his mother's computer! I'm pretty helpless about such things. It's nice to have access to someone who knows what to do and can fix things so we don't have to think about, take the time to shop for, and spend money on new stuff.

I agree about our lives looking different from that in other parts of the world. I am thankful many times over that I live in the country and time that I do.

It's lovely to hear positive feedback from students and parents.

ellen b said...

So very sweet when you get feedback from your students on their appreciation of their teacher!

Susanne said...

Seeing the blessings and beauty in the small things is a wonderful thing to hold onto. Being grateful for those little things helps us not to take those things for granted. Things can change in a moment. I'm late posting because my computer gave me the black screen of death with the lovely words telling me there is a fan issue. And I too, was very grateful for a hubby who fixed it....28 tiny screws taken out later.