Friday, April 30, 2021

End of April Faves

Happy Friday!  I am stopping, taking a breath, and reviewing my week.  Can it really be the very last day of April?  We are one third of the way through 2021.  Here are the blessings I've noted.  FRIDAY FAVE FIVES.  Click the link to join.  

1.  Exploring new parks is always fun.  It turns out that the park we visited last Friday is used mainly by off road bikers, so we didn't hike any of the trails.  But it was wonderful to find all the trees are producing their green leaves.

 2.  Work is being done at our daughter's home to repair the damage done by flooding in her neighborhood last year.  That is truly a fave because it has been a long and hard road to find workers and materials.

3.   As I am writing this, I am hearing pounding and thumping on my roof.  Yes, the roofers are here.  Long story cut short.  We had a leak in our garage.  It kept getting worse.  No roofer were available.  We made arrangements with the contractor to do other work, and he told us he also does roofs!  AND, it's the same contractor who is working on our daughter's home (see #2)!  After yesterday's torrential rainstorm, we are very thankful to have roofers here!  Of all workmen, I think roofers should be paid the highest wages considering the risks they take working on roofs.

4.  Finally, I'm getting some spring cleaning done.

5.  The Professor and I enjoy watching old movies in the evenings.  This week we found Harvey, starring Jimmy Stewart.  Have you ever watched Harvey?  I know it seems silly to include that movie in Fave Fives, but, really, it is a great reminder of the importance of being pleasant instead of smart.  Want to watch the scene?  Here it is!  Let us be pleasant and nice this week!


Karen said...

I haven't watched Harvey, but I do love Jimmy Stewart, so I should put it on my list. It feels good to have home repairs done, doesn't it? I'm sure you'll be glad when the pounding is all done. We had a huge hailstorm in our area one year, and for weeks afterward lived with the pounding of hammers while everyone had their roofs redone. Quite the cacophony.

Faith said...

Oh my goodness!! we watched Harvey oftnen as newlyweds as we are huge old classics fans and then introduced the movie to our daughters as they got older. we love Harvey!!!

Yay for walks on bike paths, green leaves bursting forth and contractors who repair roofs!! We are getting some rain again tonight too so I won't be walking anywhere today. Tomorrow is a waterfalls hike we think!

Happy Weekend!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Yes, a good roofer is so important when you need one! Same with a good plumber and electrician. We have needed all three from time to time. Glad to everything is going well for you and yours. Amen to being kind! Have a good weekend.

ellen b. said...

Oh boy. Glad that contractor/roofer is available for both you and daughter. It's been years since we watched Harvey. Happy May to you!

Wendy said...

Glad you are getting your works done. Yes good roofers seem hard to find here too. We managed to find one to do our flat roof but the earliest he could fit us in was October. Fortunately the roof isn't leaking but it's old and could do with replacing so we can wait. Haven't seen that film but sounds like a good one. Have a good weekend.

Ingrid said...

Having problems with the roof is a disaster ! When water finds the way into your living room it takes a long time and when you finally realize it, it has made a lot or damages ! has happened once to us !

Donald Boykins said...
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Barbara Harper said...

I remember my family watching Harvey when I was a kid, but I don't remember much about it. That would be fun to revisit some time. Sometimes a good movie is a good relaxing thing and can also impart some thoughtful truths.

Yay for finding roofers that you have some experience with already! I agree about the risks. My husband redid the roofing on one of our houses--it was 2-story, and I was much relieved when he was finished.