Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Hodgepodge Wednesday, Beefing up the Creativity

Wednesday Hodgepodge.  Fun way to connect with other bloggers.  Here's the LINK.

1.  What are some memories you associate with spring?

    In places I've lived where there are seasons, I associate budding trees with spring.  When leaves unfurl and turn green, I know it's spring.  Forsythia and pussy willows are other portents of spring.  This year, our first in Ohio, it has been daffodils, grape hyacinths, and tulips that have declared to me, "It's spring!"

2.  April showers bring May flowers...was that saying proven true where you live?  Snapdragons, anemones, carnations, lilacs, sweet peas, tulips, lily of the valley, orchids, roses, gardenias, which one on that list is your favorite May bloom?

    I love sweet peas and roses.  See? I can't just choose one!

3.  What are your top three distractions and how do you deal with them?

    Well, obviously, I get distracted by reading blogs and other online stuff.  If there's yarn around, I'll probably be messing with it. (Squirrel!)  I am often distracted by nature's beauty.  I'll notice a bird (Squirrel!), bunny, cloud, flower, plant and totally become absorbed in its beauty.  Books and crossword puzzles are constant distractions.

4.  Do you eat beef?  In the course of a week, how often is beef on the menu?  A hamburger, steak, prime rib, or a roast beef dinner...which beef entre would you choose and yes you have to choose.  Unless you're a vegan and then you may pass.

    Well, I get a pass.  I'm vegan.  I prefer the term whole food, plant based.  That's because sometimes vegan doesn't mean healthy, and I eat the way I do for my health.  Focus on veggies, fruits, whole grains.

5.  In what way were you creative during the month of April?

       I'm a knitter.  I am always knitting.  In April, I made a couple pairs of socks, a bunch of dish cloths for my daughters, and right now I'm working on a NICU hat for a friend's brand new grandson. 

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

        I save my Christmas cards and letters for several months and then sort back through them to reread them, double check for address changes, and maybe send off a note or email.  I did that this week.  I realize how blessed I am with so many friends!


Carla from The River said...

Hi Willow,
I do the same with my Christmas cards.
I am rusty on my knitting, but I hope to get back at it soon. I do enjoy it.
Happy Spring,

Joyce said...

Several years ago someone gave me the idea to put my Christmas cards in my calendar (I use a daytimer type planner) and so each week I have been praying for whoever's card lands on that particular week. Some amazing things have happened and I really enjoy this. Pussy willows! I loved them as a child and feel like it's been a long time since I've seen them growing. Have a nice day!

ellen b. said...

Your knitting is very creative for sure. That's a good idea to do with Christmas cards. April is winding down. Hope May is filled with beauty for you and yours!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I miss forsythias. We had them in Illinois but none her in California. Those all sounds like good distractions. Now that is a nice hobby. I use to be creative but not much anymore. OMG, I do the same thing with my Christmas cards and notes. I did that about a month ago.

Susan said...

I like to knit because it is relaxing. I made a scarf for my aunt but can't remember how to cast off! I will find a You Tube video that shows me how. I will give it to her in the fall because it will be so hot here until October. Nice idea for your Christmas cards!

Cathy said...

I would love to see some pictures of your knitting. I crochet and then I knit with either looms or a knitting machine. I learned to knit in high school, but then never stuck with it. I guess I always like doing crochet better.

Ingrid said...

At least you are doing something ! I am feeling like a robot do automatically things I have to do otherwise I spend my time between blogging and TV ! Not very exciting. Of course I am a bit worn out with what happened the last 3 months and Mr. G. but he is getting better !

Elizabeth "Libby" Day said...

In packing up for our recent move, I discovered packets of old Christmas cards that included family pictures. It was so much fun to look back and remember these dear friends and family members. We do seem to be sending cards less and less though.

Faith said...

I do a similar thing with my Xmas cards only I put them all in a pile on New YEar's Eve and place them in a basket in my living room. Then on my Dad's birthday (he's in heaven now) on Jan 9 I pull one, pray over that person/family and then choose a Scripture to pray over them and then write them a note with the scripture tucked inside and mail it to them. It's a blessing to me and I hope to them!

One of these Wednesdays I really need to come home from teaching and participate in this. the questions are all great! I don't eat beef any longer either....not since Dave's heart attack in 2014. I do eat some bison maybe once a month or every 6 weeks or so in soups or slow cooker meals or on the grill as a burger and I do enjoy the new plant based "burgers". I make a homemade black bean burger which is pretty good!

Melanie said...

I enjoyed your post! I tried knitting and can do it but crocheting just seems easier to me. My daughter though got the knitting bug and she loves it! I like your Christmas card idea. I have several saved from past years. Have a lovely weekend.