Friday, April 02, 2021

Five Faves From a Road Trip

It's Friday.  Friday Fave Fives, that is.  Here is Willow's Week in five wonderful memories.

Since this is Spring Break week for The New Boy, his mom suggested a Spring Break road trip.  We had only a two day opening because of commitments, but we decided to 'go for it'!  We all love to travel and explore and this week we marked off two more destinations and discovered a third gem.

1.  Where did we go?

2.  On our way, we drove just a bit north and a lot east and visited the Point of Beginning which is located at the spot where Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia meet.  The actual spot is, of course, in the middle of the Ohio River.  But there is a small spot on the road side that commemorates the establishment of the surveying of public lands in 1785.  Yes, all the engineering geeks had to get out and stand on the spot.

3.  Then we crossed over the Ohio River and entered West Virginia!  I have driven through West Virginia numerous times, but I had never really stopped to visit any place.  Our first destination there was Moundville which is the site of the Grave Creek Mound (an ancient mound probably built by the Hopewell Indians hundreds of years ago).  We had just enough time to walk to the top of the mound and spend less than a half hour in the museum.  What a treasure it is!

There is a huge prison across the street which was closed in the 1990s.  The building is amazing.  Although it wasn't open, we drove around it and checked out the architecture.

4.  Older Daughter had booked us into an Air BnB in Wheeling.  We chose to stay in Wheeling simply for convenience, not really realizing just what an adorable city it is.  Located on the east bank of the Ohio River, Wheeling has a lovely old downtown area where many of the buildings are on the National Register of Historic Homes and Places.  After we checked in, we walked to find a dinner option.  The New Boy's job was to research and find restaurants.  He happily fulfilled his assignment and we happily filled our tummies at a local Chinese restaurant.

After dinner, we walked along the river front.  The weather was perfect, and so was the view.  The others may have gotten a bit tired of me exclaiming, "Oh!  This looks exactly like the Willamette River in Portland!"  And "This is so much like the Columbia River!" [ I may have sent several photos to my brother who may have responded, "Yep.  Very similar."]

5.  In the morning, we walked again the four blocks to enjoy our coffee and breakfast at a local coffee spot which had a perfect view  from the back of the shop overlooking the Ohio River.  If you're ever in Wheeling, stop at Mugshots!

Because we had an appointment in the afternoon, we booked it back to Ohio.  

All the way home, we all promised ourselves "We'll be back! West Virginia is amazing!"

BONUS:  It's Good Friday!  Almost Easter!


Faith said...

I've never been to W VA but it's actually on our bucket list to hike in the Smoky Mountains there......and at one time we (briefly) talked about retiring to there. Of course I don't want to retire for at least another 4 years and Dave is only 54 so he has a ways yet. But we haven't totally ruled it out!! it's GOTTA be cheaper than living here in NYS! Glad you had a fun trip!! My Spring Break began today!!


Deb J. in Utah said...

I remember driving through West Virginia some years back and thinking that it was really, really a beautiful state. I would like to go back one day and explore more. So glad you were able to get away with your family. Have a blessed Easter Weekend!

ellen b. said...

Yippee for a road trip and how serendipitous that you booked an airbnb in a lovely town! I'll have to google image Wheeling. Happy Resurrection Day to you and yours!!

Susanne said...
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Susanne said...

Sheesh I have no idea where my name linked on the above comment. Don't click on it anyone. I'm having so many issues since they migrated my email to gmail. It totally messed up my blogging stuff. So sorry.

Ingrid said...

I am jaleous ! you can travel around and visit nice places ! We are only allowed to travel in Belgium but that is so small that in all these years I have already seen everything.My son is not allowed to travel he has to stay in Amsterdam but he can travel in Holland. I wonder how long this lockdown will last ! It's now a year with a little interruption !

nikkipolani said...

How fun to make new discoveries in your family travels. Sounds like New Boy enjoyed his job and you all benefited.

Cathy said...

We're the same as you. We've driven through multiple times but have never taken the time to explore. Now you have me wanting to. I'll have to talk to hubby.

A Joyful Cottage said...

West Virginia is a very pretty state. If you get the chance, take some back roads in the foothills. The "hollers" are breathtaking. I'm so glad you're getting a chance to explore all the great spots near you. I think I've said this before, but you make me homesick for Ohio! Hugs.