Friday, March 03, 2023

March on in

I have a few minutes before I drive off again to pick up my granddaughter from track practice.  It may be raining buckets but there are ways to keep up the momentum in track even in the gym.  So I'm posting my Friday Fave Fives quickly.  Willow's Week was again busy with lots of activities.  But it is important to stop, breathe, and focus on the goodness in my life.

1. Two reminders that the 'Art Girls' shared as we talked about the book we are reading for Lent of how we should live:  Never hurry. Never worry.  Live in an attitude of gratitude. Great statements to ponder when I stop to take a breath during the week.

2.  We had several days this past week when it wasn't raining, so we were able to get out for some good walks/hikes.  There is a local park that has so many paved and unpaved trails that wind through the woods and around a small lake and up a few hills.  We love to walk there.  Bonus is that it has a dog park, so the crazy grandpup can get most of his wiggles out there first and then walk with us after.

3.  The daffodils in my garden are starting to bloom!  I brought two in and placed them in a vase so I can enjoy them all day inside.

4.  Lunch with a friend.  We both love Asian food so we met at a local Thai place.  An extra fave is that the people who own the restaurant speak Indonesian, so I had opportunity to use my second language.

5.  I saved the best until last!  Our older son is an Army Reserve Chaplain.  He has been deployed on active duty out of the country for several months.  Finally, I can say this:  HE'S BACK ON US SOIL!  It will be a bit before he is home, but this is a big step!  Welcome home, Chaps!


Barbara Harper said...

So glad to hear your son is back in the US and will be home soon! It's probably rare to find people who speak Indonesian here. Glad you got to do that! I wish we had some walking trails nearby. We have a nice cul-de-sac with sidewalks, but the streets beyond don't have sidewalks and are on hilly areas where cars come up too quickly without being able to see people on the side of the road til they are right up on them.

Yay for daffodils! My husband brought some in, too. I had lunch with a friend this week as well. Fun!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

How wonderful that your son is back on home ground. Praying for him and I hope you get to see him sometime soon. I love your daffodils. We can't grow them here, so I always enjoy seeing them whenever I can. So glad you were able to get out and walk and enjoy some beautiful days. Also, the lunch with a friend sounds interesting. I don't know your background so am not sure why Indonesian is your second language...maybe I need to go back and read some early posts? I hope you have a blessed and wonderful weekend. Spring appears to have "sprung".

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad that your son is safely back on U.S. Soil. That is definitely the best thing you have to be grateful for this week! I love the daffodils and the great places you have to walk/hike. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Wendy said...

So pleased to hear your son is back in the US and you will be able to see him soon. I'm sure that's a big relief. Love the idea of never hurrying or worrying but I often seem to be doing both lol. I haven't done much walking this week with all the works going on in the house and I miss it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Faith said...

Praise God your son is back in the States! That's wonderful
YAY for cheerful spring blooms and walks/hikes in local parks.
I love Thai food!! Been several months since we've had it cause our fave local Thai placed just up and vanished. No one knows what happened!!
Happy Weekend!

ellen b. said...

That is good news that he is back on US soil. God bless him. So nice to have that great place to walk and run close to home. Happy Saturday to you.

nikkipolani said...

It's so great that you are so integrated in your family's activities and near great trails. And how fun to get to speak Indonesian. I met an Indonesian gent a few weeks ago at church who had the most amazing testimony.

Beautiful daffs. I can see you're not at all excited to have the Chaplain home ;-)

Susanne said...

How exciting that your son is home. Hopefully you can get together with him soon! The trails look wonderful. It's nice to have those spaces to escape to. Lunch with a friend and family time. Couldn't be better!

Melanie said...

I'm thrilled to hear that your son is back on US soil! I hope the wait isn't too long before you can see him. I do love daffodils! I've never had Thai food but I do enjoy Asian cuisine so it probably would be very enjoyable.

A Joyful Cottage said...

I'm so glad to hear your son's back in the USA. I'm so envious of your blooming daffodils. It will be several weeks before we see any signs of spring here. I miss early spring in Ohio. Well, I miss Ohio. Period. It's a great place to live. I'm so sad for the people in East Palestine. They must all be so worried about their future. Now I heard there was another derailment in Ohio, near Springfield. Thankfully, no hazardous materials. Take care of yourself, my friend. Hugs.

Ingrid said...

A nice an busy week you had ! I am almost happy that the weather is so bad here and anyway I have to stay inside to recover from my long lasting bronchitis. Fake flowers are so well done today that you hardly find a difference. At least nobody has to water them which is very practical in hospitals and homes !