Friday, May 05, 2023

May Days Faves Week 1

May Day. May the Fourth (be with you).  Cinco de Mayo.  All the special days in early May.  And Friday Fave Fives, too. (the link will take you to Susanne's blog where she faithfully hosts Friday Fave Fives every week.  It is Friday night, but it's still not too late to be thankful!

1.  As you can see from my previous post about Amish Country, I  figured out how to resolve the conflict between my camera and my computer.  My role as mediator was a success.

2.  It rained most of the week, but in anticipation of today when the sun finally shone,  I bought a bunch of flowers. Not, not a bouquet.  A whole back of my car load of flowering plants.  Some of them are already potted. I love spring when I can be out in my garden again. 

These next three faves are intertwined as you will see.  Declutter>Recycle>Coffee.

3.  This week we moved many things out of our garage which have been stored there over winter.  A few things from our daughter's house after she moved.

4.  We were able to find a place to recycle several very old electronics items. It isn't always easy to find a place, but there is a place in the county just south of ours that took them all. Yay!

5. Since we were in the next county, we arranged to have our weekly coffee date with T and S down there in a new coffee shop. The coffee was good and so were the snacks -- muffins and scones.

Bonus.  A friend recommended a book to me, and I was able to download it from the local library onto my tablet.  I am about 40% done, and it is just amazing but very hard to read.  The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken.  I highly recommend it.  Be prepared to be challenged.


ellen b. said...

That book does sound like it would be a challenge. Hooray for potting flowers and getting rid of stuff!

Barbara Harper said...

I'm happy your phone and computer made up. :-) I meant to get some flowers for our planters out front but didn't this week. It's supposed to rain today, so it may be just as well. It will be a project for next week!

It's great to get some things out of the garage. We need to attack our attack some time in-between hot and cold weather.

Melanie said...

Lovely photos here and in your previous Amish country post. I'd love to visit Amish country sometime although I did come close in Maryland visiting a friend. I saw an Amish buggy.

I wish I had a place to plant but then I'm not very good with plants so maybe it's just as well. I'm thinking of perhaps getting some outside plants that will survive in pots and hot afternoon sun.

I had to recycle one of my defunct laptops. It had died and I wasn't able to take it back to factory settings beforehand. When I took it to the place to be recycled I expressed my concern that my sensitive things were still on it and could do nothing about it. He then took it apart and handed me my hard drive. I was sure thankful.

I hope your weekend is blessed.

nikkipolani said...

Yes, we're all pretty excited when there's a neighborhood "dump day" that includes e-waste. Glad you've had a chance to rid your space of a few items. Always such a good feeling.

Not surprised new plants made your faves! So fun to choose and plant things that provide beauty and sometimes food.

Congratulations on your mediation success! We all benefit, too, from your serene photos.

Susanne said...

We have 2 electronic recycles, I think a year. How fun to do the flower shopping. Around here we usually wait for the May long weekend to plant out. I haven't even gone yet to get anything.