Friday, January 03, 2025

First Fave Fives of January 2025

 Welcome to 2025!  We woke this morning to a winter wonderland.  And it's still snowing.  This first few days of the new year have been busy.  But I'm thankful I can be busy.  Here are my Fave Fives from this week.  This link Friday Fave Fives will take you to where you can join us.

1.  I have been going through all my photos from 2024, deleting some, editing others.  This thought keeps coming up to me:  How blessed I am to be living an active life surrounded by beauty and people I love.  I have had opportunities to travel to places I never ever expected I could visit.  I am so thankful!

2.  Older Daughter always has the week between Christmas and New Years off from work.  That has given us extra time to spend with her this week.  One day, we enjoyed an afternoon of coffee and conversation with Dr. Mike (our son who is visiting us for a few months) and her.  Honestly, I just love to sit there and listen to them chat and discuss how to solve all the problems of the world.  I wanted to take a photo of them, but I also didn't want to interrupt the conversations.

3. I finished that black scarf I was weaving.  It looks good.  Pictures and details coming soon (when I can get some decent pictures.)

4.  We rang in the New Year with a family dinner and watching people celebrate the New Year in Paris and in London.  Watching 'the ball drop' in London at 7PM our time makes it easy to crawl in bed before all the fireworks exploded here in Ohio.  That's the best way to celebrate the New Year.

5.  Yesterday was Warrior Boy's fifteenth birthday!  He wanted to have dinner (it had to be Five Guys and DQ for dessert) at our house.  Then we watched a movie.  Tranformers One.  His choice.  This is one of the few photos I took of him during our trip to England last June.  He loves dogs.  Those dreads...

Now we're off to spend the day with him today by visiting the Dayton Air Force Museum!

Be thankful.  Be blessed.  Celebrate a New Year.


Tom said...

...a few years ago I visited the Dayton Air Force Museum, what a place!

ellen b. said...

So much to praise God for. Enjoy your trip to the museum. He knows what he likes!

Cathy said...

Have fun at the Air Force Museum. We haven't been there for probably 10 years or so, but I sure do love it.

Monica said...

I am a little farther south but we are bracing for this winter weather that is supposed to come in the form of ice and then some snow. Sounds like you had a wonderful new year! I had a very nice quiet night/day at home. Hope your New Year is off to a blessed start!

nikkipolani said...

Old photos and old posts... what a blessing to look back and see all you've experienced.

How sweet to be part of these priceless conversations with your kids. Fun way to celebrate your 15 year old grand -- his fave food and doing something together.

Happy new year, Willow!

Barbara H. said...

What a neat idea, to watch a ball drop earlier in another country! I fell asleep on the couch but woke up in time to turn on the TV and watch the ball drop in NYC. That's about all I wanted to see of the festivities on TV. :)

One of our birthday traditions is having the birthday honoree's favorite dinner, too.

Glad you had some great family time. I love the thought in your #1.

Deb J. in Utah said...

We've been to the Air Force Museum in Dayton. What a cool place! Glad you had a nice week. We are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow. That's great because we need more snow for our water supply. I hope you have a nice weekend. See you again soon!

Karen said...

I so enjoy watching and listening to my adult children in conversation, too!
We like to celebrate the new year "New York" style, which is 10:00 our time.
And, I love Warrior Boy's dreads :)

Melanie said...

Happy Birthday to Warrior Boy! His choice of a birthday dinner sounds right up my alley! Quite a handsome guy!
We usually have firecrackers and lots of pops and bangs going off in my neighborhood on NYE but it was quiet this year.
I remember watching the "ball drop" in other countries when we changed over from 1999 to 2000. My daughter and son-in-law will be living in France next year so I'll have to watch the Paris festivities then. Have a blessed weekend.

Wendy said...

Well the fireworks started about 7 pm our time here in London and seemed to go all evening before we even got to the main ones at midnight. I watched from the comfort of my sofa and the TV. Have fun celebrating Warrior Boy's birthday.