Friday, January 10, 2025

Friday Fave Fives, Second Friday of January 2025

 I am taking a day off from reminiscing about last year to write my Friday Fave Fives.  Susanne is so faithful to host our weekly group of bloggers who focus on gratitude, on what good things have happened to us in the week.   We choose five blessings.  Some weeks, it's easy.  Other weeks, we have to search our memories for those small things that made a difference in our lives.  That's why we do Fave Fives-- to remind us that blessings are there every day, every week.

Edited to add the missing fave...

Here are mine:

1. Our trip to Dayton Air Force Museum to celebrate Warrior Boy's birthday.  We had so much fun.  Of course, we all kept getting separated when one person would stop to read an information sign and others would wander on.  What did we do before we had cell phones?  Here is one photo. (you may notice that I am now the shortest person in the room...)

I didn't realize that Airstream also built planes :) (not really; but it does look like an Airstream trailer)

2.  (the missing one) As usual, we met with who I am now naming our Coffee Couple, T and S.  A close friend of theirs joined us (we do know her, too) and the five of us had a great time.  Those coffee dates always make me happy

3.  Normality returns.  Two Bible Studies I attend took a break over the holidays.  They have resumed this week.  The teen boys are back in school and we are back to being uber grandpa and grandma.

4.  Safety in the snow storms.  We haven't lost power.  We have all we need to eat, drink and stay warm.

Our little front porch bunny is nearly covered in drifted snow.

5.  My sister-in-law found an exercise program and told me about it, and it is working well for me.  It's called Yes2next.  Free.  On You tube.  The exercises keep you moving but don't overtax your body (especially if you are older).  I highly recommend it.

That wraps up my Fave Fives for this week which I wrote as I was wrapped up in a warm snuggly afghan.  Happy Weekend to you all!


Tom said... grandpa taxi service is in operation too.

Dianna said...

Loved the picture of your family, Willow. The museum looks incredible!

Normality is a wonderful thing...glad that your Bible study groups are back to meeting again after the holidays.

Thank you for the recommendation for the exercise site on YouTube. I want to go check that out now.

Glad you are safe and warm and that you haven't lost power.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I didn't know that airstream made planes either. My father-in-law used to have an airstream camping RV.

Faith said...

ok first of all I'm only seeing 4 faves on this post....but I love them all!
How fun that museum would be for my hubby! (although he's partial to maritime museums).
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for posting the link to the workout videos. I was just telling a friend this week that I need new ones to do on the bitter cold days because i was so bored with the ones I was doing last winter and some of them were too hard for me with my spine issues. I just added 5 of these to my workout playlist. SO glad you shared!!
We have no snow here except for a dusting on the ground where the sun hasn't melted it as the temps have been bitter cold. Another green January so far for us here in eastern NY.

Faith said...

hi again Melanie. I saw your comment and had to chuckle. Yes the schoharie valley south of us (i THINK you said that's where you lived? ) has snow..they currently have 2-7 inches on the ground depending on where in that area you live. We are expecting light flurries here sunday. I actually would like a bit for the rest of the month because i wanna try snowshoeing but you need at least 4 good inches for that! or so i wa told

Jennifer said...

I am going to check out that exercise. I really have to find something to do inside. This winter weather has definitely kept me from walking outside!! And hooray for safety during this weather...and for the power staying on. That is a blessing!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So glad you are safe and warm in this wintry weather that is hitting so many. I have a nephew in Atlanta who got snow this afternoon, and they were enjoying it until it turned to sleet, then rain, and then the power went out! Thankfully, within a couple of hours the power was back on! They were very thankful! The museum looks great. Is that at Wright Patterson AF Base area? I think we went there years ago when we lived in the Dayton area. I know our boys enjoyed it. The exercise program sounds interesting. I may need to check it out. Thank you for sharing it. Stay warm and cozy inside your afghan!

nikkipolani said...

"If Airstream built planes..." there's a cute chubbiness to it! Looks like there was something for everyone at that outing.

Coffee date with good friends sounds wonderful and such a good tradition. Glad you could add to your group.

We, too, have resumed studies and it takes a little reorienting, but feels good. Nice to hear other routines are falling into place for you.

Look at that snow!

Melanie said...

That plane sure does have an "Airstream" look about it! LOL
Thanks for the You Tube exercise suggestion. I'm going to check that out.
Have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

I like the Yes2next team of mother and daughter. it's good to keep moving in the winter months. Glad you have coffee date friends. Stay cozy and warm.

Barbbara Harper said...

That Air Force Museum looks great. Funny about the Air Steam--looking plane. Our ladies' Bible study has restarted, too. We got 3-4 inches of snow, and, thankfully, have not lost power. Thanks for mentioning the YouTube exercise program. I have been looking for something like that and will check it out.

Ingrid said...

It was quite cold here this week, but no snow ! The good thing is I don't have to care about heating costs, here it is always even too warm ! I too shrank when I am standing in the middle between my son and grandson ! Son is 2 m long and 14 year old grandson 1.96 (6.5 ft !)

Wendy said...

Ooh thanks for the link to the exercises. I'll be checking that out - it's been cold so I haven't done as much walking as I'd like and if we get wet weather that really puts me off going out. Sounds like you had a good week. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

I think I will have to try that exercise video! We have been in the the Dayton museum and it is awesome. I think my husband stopped and read about everything. We went through the museum very slowly! Glad that your 2025 is off to a good start. I am glad that you "weathered" the storm just fine! See you again next time!

Susan said...

I am usually the shortest one in a picture too. My husband would enjoy that museum. We liked going through an Air Force on when we visited the Regan Library a couple of years ago. I need to check out that exercise video. I am still going to PT, and I feel stronger. I was able to move a lot on the cruise. I did post one page and it is linked underneath my header. Now I need to finish my ornament packing. Have a great weekend!

Susanne said...

What a fun family trip to the air museum. For a split second my brain saw snow drifts that you all were standing in but then it realized it was a cloud frame for the picture. I guess I have snow on the brain from seeing all the pics of the snow in the states that normally don't get snow. I'm gonna check out that exercise link