Friday, January 08, 2021

Cold January Fave Fives

 Good morning!  Is it cold at your house?  It sure is here at Willow's cottage.  They say that cold hands mean a warm heart.  So I must have a very warm heart today.  And, truly, there is so much to be thankful for.  This is why I focus daily and weekly on my blessings and why I join FRIDAY FAVE FIVES every Friday.

1.  Blue sky!  It has been overcast and cloudy for a long week.  Today, it may be cold and windy, but it's SUNNY, and there is BLUE SKY!

2.  HAPPINESS showed up in my mailbox this week.  This was the sticker on the back of the package.

3.  It was Little Warrior's birthday last week.  He chose (as usual) to have an outing to the US Air Force Museum.   It is a true blessing to be able to celebrate with him this year! 

And ice cream cake!

4.  Older Daughter loves the Air Force Museum, too.  She gets to visit one of 'her' missiles. (Yes, she is a rocket scientist!)  I'm thankful for how much she loves her job.

5.  Friday mornings are special for me.  I get to zoom with my four art buddies.  Yes, they all live in my old home town, but we do zoom meetings for two reasons--we can stay isolated and safe from covid, and we can meet early in the morning in our jammies.  Oh and the third reason--I can join in from thousands of miles away.

What have been some blessings in your life this week?


nikkipolani said...

I hear that the sale of ice cream is not abated at all by cold weather ;-) Nice smile on the birthday boy. Didn't know you had a real rocket scientist in the family!

Wendy said...

Wow you must be very proud of your daughter. Mmmm ice cream cake looks yummy. My son had ice cream cake as his wedding cake - my DILs choice. It was delicious. Yes cold here too. Yay for zoom get togethers. Enjoy your weekend.

Karen said...

I'm assuming the Air Force museum is the one in Dayton? I took a couple of my kids there a few years back. It is AMAZING!! So much to see. I was thrilled to see the plane my dad flew on in the Korean conflict. We were able to go inside of it. Such a special moment.

ellen b. said...

Happy Birthday to your little Warrior who isn't so little anymore! Hats off to your Rocket Scientist, too. Greg was gifted some glove for Christmas that have batteries that keep them extra warm while he works out in freezing temperatures. Such a God send...

Ingrid said...

I like to Whatsapp with my friends, that's so easy and it is the same except that we can only use our phone !

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It must be so nice to be near your children. It always makes me happy when families get to celebrate milestones and holidays together. That’s what it’s all about. I’m sure you miss the milder weather though.

Faith said...

I love your list of faves! Happy Birthday to your handsome grandson....and WOW...i'm always so impressed with anyone who has a career in the sciences.

It's 22 F here but it's sunny and. there's some blue sky showing so even though I'm in quarantine, I can bundle up later on this afternoon and get my mile walk in with my mask on and just staying in my neighborhood. I am SO not a homebody. sigh.

how fun to stay connected with your art buddies.

Enjoy the weekend and stay cozy!! and safe!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

I love that line; "Yes she is a rocket scientist." How often does anyone get to say this, and mean it!!!!!!!! How exciting to have a daughter who is thus.

Ohhhhhh, I wanted to look back at your original post... To see her picture with the rocket and to see exactly what her title is.

But.... I can not do so. Without losing my comment...

Did you know that?

Bloggers need to have A POP UP Window kind of a Comment Box. So people like me, who don't "remember" as well as they used to... Can look up and see the original post, complete with pictures, while they are composing their Comments.

You probably did not realize this. So I hope, you will not be offended, at my saying this. Please.......? -smile-

Warm, Winter Wishes...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to Little Warrior! I don't believe we have any museums that are open here in California.

Barbara Harper said...

I LOVE blue skies and wish we had one right now! It's been overcast for a while,. And very cold. Belated happy birthday to your grandson! How fun that one of your daughter's missiles is in the museum. Funny about happiness arriving in the mail. :-) It's neat you have the regular Zoom meetings with your friends.

Susanne said...

Happy birthday to the birthday boy! Ice cream cakes are popular choice around here too no matter the weather. And I'm with him, I'd want to go to NASA museum too! You're daughter is a rocket scientist? Wow!!! and how fun that one of her rockets is on display! So wonderful that you are able to stay connected with your friends far away. Technology can be such a blessing especially during these crazy times of being isolated for the most part.

Cathy said...

I love the Air Force Museum, but haven't been there in several years. I think the next time my grandson comes to visit, I want to take him. Have a great day!