Saturday, January 16, 2021

Five of the Best From This Week

 I'm a day late and probably more than a dollar short because I spent yesterday driving my Younger Daughter to a doctor appointment and to work and then returned later to pick her back up again  (fun times just chatting in the car).  But I have been thinking all week of my blessings and want to share them with you.  Here is Willow's Week in Friday Fave Fives.  (You know to follow the link to get to Susanne's blog.)

1.  When we drove in our driveway one evening, we noticed a box at our front porch.  We got mail!  The best kind of mail.  Older Son Chaplain Dan shipped us a box of his homemade limpa!  It's a traditional Swedish Christmas bread, and he has continued to keep up the tradition of making it.  Did I already say YUM?

2.  I am thankful for a warm home.  Just stepping into the garage to put recycle in the bin makes me feel frozen.  When I step back into the house, it's WARM.

3.  On Wednesday evening, we visited the home of new friends.  Older Daughter arranged for a meeting (more on that another day) to gather information we all needed.  We had a WONDERFUL WELCOME from this family and chatted for almost two hours, were served yummy chocolate cookies baked by their teenaged daughter, had a quick night time tour of their garden, and gained much info we needed.  The Professor was already acquainted with the husband, and that was an added benefit.  (And n,o we were not disobeying any health dept rules.  Yes, it is ok to visit people as long as we are observing social distancing.)

4.  Every day, I have been reading and collecting information on how to garden in my new climate.  I'm having fun and thankful for all the books and articles that are available for learning.  I am putting it all in a binder I have titled 

5.  I am thankful we had some sunny days this week.  That means we were able to walk the bike/hike path south of our daughter's home.  It also means beautiful sunsets.  

I have to admit that weather here is bi-polar.  Sunny one minute, stormy five minutes later.  

Even so, I love watching the weather.  It's all part of God's wonderful creation!


Elizabethd said...

Planning a garden is so exciting! Everything will be different, new space, new types of earth, new ideas. Enjoy every moment.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

The best part of this time of year is planning the garden! It’s so nice to be able to visit with friends. That is what I miss the most.

Faith said...

yes here in NY we can visit in friends' homes as well but also with social distancing. We aren't doing a lot of visiting though during these winter months as Covid IS on the rise here in eastern NY. I'm so glad you are acclimating well to the Great Northeast! You will probably enjoy the months of June-October. they truly are my absolute faves!

Yay for planning a garden...someday I'd love to do that but with teaching full time and required to teach 6 wks of summer school plus saving most weekends from May-November for hiking mountains, it sure seems like I wouldn't be able to care for a garden. I do enjoy growing some wildflowers and perennials though :)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend of walks and relaxation...stay well!

Wendy said...

Sounds like you're going to have fun planning and sorting your garden. Nice that you can visit people and see your family. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad you had a good week, got to spend some time with your daughter and make some new friends! :-)

Meredith said...

The best thing to be thankful for is you are close enough to drive your daughter to an appointment, so nice you are so close to your family now. Stay safe.

Ingrid said...

Apparently you have the same moody weather that we have in Belgium ! It seems that you have more freedom then we have ! I am so fed up with this virus !!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a fun surprise! I looked it up, sounds delicious. I agree, if you social distance and wear masks you can visit people. We have done that every weekend with our son and his family since March of last year. They still work, grandson goes to daycare and we have been safe.

nikkipolani said...

Good for you learning about your new USDA zone :-) Think of all the possibilities that were herculean or flat out impossible in zone 9/10.

I like Gattina's description of your weather -- moody.

ellen b. said...

When we moved to Washington State from California way back in 1988 we learned that we had to learn to do things in whatever weather we were given. Parties in the rain and in the sunshine! We had to learn to do a lot of things in the rain! I guess the theme could be, be prepared and move ahead!

Susanne said...

I'll bet the weather would be a bit of a shock to your system. Here in Alberta the saying is "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute." Sometimes we experience wind, sun, rain, snow all in one day. LOL. Keeps us on our toes. Yum, Christmas bread in the mail. I'll take that over bills any day!