Friday, January 01, 2021

New Year's Faves 2021

 Welcome, 2021!

It's New Year's Day, and the first Friday Fave Five of 2021.  Christmas is over.  Stockings and presents were opened.

And now begins a new year.  There's not much different here at Willow's Cottage.  More snow and ice.  But that's OK.  We have a warm, dry house and we are very thankful for that!

Here are my Friday Fave Fives to share.

1.  Family dinners.  Since moving near my girls, we've starting this tradition of having a family dinner one night a week.  Some nights, we cook, but usually, it's just leftovers.  Less work for everyone.  I think these times with my girls will always be faves I am thankful for.

2.  New Year's Eve dinner with family.  OK, we are not partiers. We had dinner and finished watching White Christmas.  But before we turned on the DVD,  we toasted the New Year in with sparkling cider at SEVEN PM.  Why seven?

3.  Did you stay up to watch the ball drop?  We didn't want to stay up until midnight, so we found a you tube live video of Big Ben in London and watched Londoners celebrate the New Year.  Midnight in London is seven pm here.  That was good enough for us.

4.  In December, I posted #photoadaydecember on Facebook.  Mostly, I found older photos from my files that fit each day's idea.  Imagine my surprise that the picture for MATCHING has already gained almost 120 likes and loves.  This photo of The Professor and me, wearing our matching flannel shirts.

5.  A week isn't complete unless we've been out walking and hiking.  Family (and grand-dogs) have joined us on several outings.  Older Daughter has always been one for wandering.  And if there's a downed tree trunk anywhere near, she'll be climbing it!  You can take the girl out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the girl.


And she is training her son and nephew well!

 I am thankful for these times to make memories.


ellen b. said...

So good that you are so near to your two daughters. I'm all for toasting in the New Year England time!! Happy New Year.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy New Year. That is such a cute picture of you and the professor. So glad you are living close to family so you can have more family time. Have a wonderful 2021 - hope we all do. :-)

collettakay said...

I didn't stay up until midnight. I intended to but laid down for a few minutes and was out like a light! Thanks for stopping by my blog :) My Mom, Aunt and I will be getting together on Friday evenings to go over what we've read that week. I think it will help keep us accountable and motivated. It is icy here as well.

Again, thanks for stopping by!


aspiritofsimplicity said...

It sounds like you are really enjoying being near to your daughters and family. Those are the best times. It is a cute picture of you and your husband. Your mugs even match.

Faith said...

I love everything about your Faves post!!!

yay for getting outside even in our northeast weather and walking trails!! I'm with your daughter!! love the sense of adventure.

when our oldest was born, she was only 5 months old on her first New Year's eve so was in bed of course. We actually hosted a small party that evening in our little apartment. forward to the next year and we began the tradition (it lasted until she was about 10 and our youngest was 5) of celebrating New Year's Eve with a toast of sparkling grape juice for the. girls and wine for us. with Zulu time....i think that's what it was called. 7 pm England anyways. (my husband's ancestors came over on the mayflower and they are all things english). Then we would put them to bed and have an adult party unless we would then have our babysitter arrive and we would go out to a party. Once they got to be teens, we hosted our own party here and they would hang with friends. THis year was so quiet of course!!
Love that you did the London time!

I love that you are having a daughters dinner each week. I hope when my oldest girl finally moves out that she will want to do something like that too.


Ingrid said...

If I understand well you don't live in "bubbles" we still have the lockdown rules.
I think a lot of people didn't stay up until midnight, the year which has just finished was terrible ! It seems to me that I lost a year of my life ! Fortunately we moved in time !

nikkipolani said...

Is that New Boy grown up?! I love that you are closer to your family and have a weekly meal together. And I love that you chose 7pm for your New Year toast!

Gretchen said this on her blog and I'm stealing it (slightly modified): May God grant you a new year full of the experience of His favor and salvation.

Carla from The River said...

Happy New Year and we watched White Christmas too. I love that movie.
xx oo

Barbara Harper said...

We fell asleep on the couch and woke up just before 12. My husband turned on the TV and I wondered what in the world he was doing. I had forgotten it was New Year's Eve! We watched the ball drop, turned the TV off, and went to bed.

I love having dinners with my grown kids. We get together with my son and d-i-l at least once a week, sometimes twice.

Fun about the matching shirts and all the likes it got!