Friday, January 22, 2021

Quietly Blessed

It has been a mostly quiet week here at Willow's Cottage.  Not boring; just quiet.  I like weeks like this.  Here are some FRIDAY FAVE FIVES from Willow's Week.  Follow that link to read and share with others.

1.  Now I can explain the hint I mentioned in last week's Friday Fave Fives about getting information from some new friends.  This is what has excited us.  The New Boy (who is no longer new at all) asked his mother if he could switch to homeschool this semester.  The result is that The Professor and I are back in the teaching positions.  We homeschooled our own children, and it feels good and normal to be teaching our grandson.

2.  We've had some sunny. albeit cold, days, so you all know what that means.  Yes!  Walks!  Outside activities like walking and hiking are PE, right?  So our walks along the river are logged as PE time.

3.  I am thankful for quiet evenings, too.  We have just finished watching all the Inspector Morris episodes.  I appreciate being able to sit and knit and watch a captivating movie or show from the comfort of my own home.

4.  Sunday evening we had the opportunity to help prepare and serve meals at the local Salvation Army.  Older Daughter and New Boy were there helping, too.  I love that serving others is a gift that is being passed on through our generations.

5.  Dr. Mike, our younger son, had a birthday this week.  Although we can't celebrate with him in person, we called and talked to him and wished him a happy day.

Not every week is exciting.  But every week has blessings to discover!


Deb J. in Utah said...

I did not realize you had homeschooled your children. I admire people who can homeschool and do it well. Sounds like you and The Professor did just that. Glad you had a nice week. See you again next week.

Sandi said...

Heartwarming to think of grandkids and still homeschooling...😊...Mine are only teens now, but I would love to do this one day.

Ingrid said...

Homeschooling is not allowed in Europe, only under special circumstance like sickness but I have never in my whole life met somebody who homeschooled his children. I heard about that for the first time when I started reading American Blogs ! Our life is not much different as yours, I do my jogging between computer and TV, and meet with my 2 friends 3 times a week for our lockdown chat as we call us. Weather is bad and all days the same !

Faith said...

what a sweet week of blessings.

YAY For winter walks and YES it definitely can count as physical education! and science!! (nature based......i do this with my special prek students...they love finding natural things outdoors to bring into the classroom).

enjoy your weekend!!

I've just started the Netflix series Last Tango in Halifax. I LOVE IT!!! it's sweet and clean and a nice change from crime shows.

Meredith said...

I think a week with real purpose to serve others is much more meaningful than an exciting week. Good luck with the schooling and a Happy Birthday to your son. Stay safe.

Barbara Harper said...

What a blessing to all concerned that your can home school your grandson. I agree, quiet does not mean boring. Quiet evenings at home are my favorite.

ellen b. said...

Yippee for the professor and you being able to use your experience and great teaching skills with your grandson. He'll get the most excellent learning experience for sure. Yes, hiking is P.E.!

Gracie Saylor said...

So lovely to visit you, Willow, and learn of some of your quiet blessings that blessed me as well. Thanks for posting.

Susanne said...

Oh how wonderful you can homeschool one of your grandchildren! Getting outside in fresh air is absolutely PE! I need to be more intentional in doing that. Love that you serve as a family. Happy Birthday to your son!

Wendy said...

Belated birthday wishes to your son and I hope the home schooling goes well. It's not a big thing here in the UK but it does happen and there are networks you can tap into. Definitely good things on your list this week.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Happy Birthday to Dr. Mike! So many things to be thankful for.