It's January 31st, the last day of January 2025. And it's Friday. Time for Friday Fave Fives. Susanne our host is faithful to post a link every week so we can share our five thoughts of gratitude and thankfulness. Did you know that having a positive attitude which is fostered by being grateful actually increases your possibility of living longer? Want to live to 100? Be Thankful!
1. This week I have been working on a sewing project that has caused some stress. Younger Daughter brought her sewing machine over to the cottage and sat with me at the dining room table and sewed with me. I guess it could be called parallel play sewing. Since we have identical machines, she was able to help me with a couple of issues. I had forgotten that our machines have a 'thingie' that will thread your needle for you. I'm thankful that Younger Daughter came to help me.
2. Another day, Younger Daughter and I took her two big dogs for a hike. The weather was moderate. Obviously, the dogs were thrilled to finally be outside for a walk. We parked near the paved path and planned to walk to an area where you can move onto a dirt path that follows the river. Well, we missed the sign and walked almost a mile beyond. When we realized our mistake, we turned around and walked back to the Harnden Preserve. The sign is much easier to spot in the summer than the winter. (photo was taken in June)
Anyway, we started walking on the path. But because there was still snow everywhere on the ground, we quickly lost the path and ended up just wandering around on deer paths and trying to follow the river. It was fun. And the dogs had a blast. As you can tell in the photo (I hope), areas of the river were still frozen.
3. We have very dear friends who moved here from LA a few years ago just after we did. They are like family to us and we often celebrate holidays and birthdays together. It was Yeyo's birthday last week, so we took him for dinner at his favorite Mexican restaurant. It was so good to catch up with them.
4. This month of January I wrote a post for every day of the month. A couple of times, I missed a day but wrote and posted a photo for that day. I had challenged myself to do that and I'm pleased I was able to finish it. Goal completed!
5. When Younger Daughter was in England earlier this month, she spent most of her days in the city of Durham and visited Durham Cathedral. Knowing that I love the Celtic Prayer books, she bought me a small book of daily prayers written by an author (David Adam) whose book on Aidan, Bede and Cuthbert I had read last year. And she brought me a book Cuthbert and the Northumbrian Saints by Paul Frodsham which explores the history of the Golden Age of Northumbria. I'm a happy girl, sitting with my tea and reading this book. (It helps in the snow, rain and cold to have an interesting book to keep you focused.)
A great finish to your post-a-day month! A thing that will thread needles? Cool! I just shove the thread into where approximately the eye of the needle is and hope it catches... (mine is a 1958 Singer).
The blue skies makes me think it wasn't as frigid -- well, obviously both you and the dogs had a great time.
A book from a beloved with tea and warm inside... sounds perfect.
...January went by in a flash!
Well done on posting every day - I think I missed one day but I did 41 posts over the whole month so I'm counting it as a win lol. Nice to get out in the sunshine with the dogs even if it was cold. I wish my sewing machine had a needle threading thingy lol. Have a good weekend.
What a nice end to this bitter cold month. Still much to enjoy and savor. So nice that you are able to enjoy such good times with your daughter....and her doggies!!:) Good job completing that month long challenge!!
Well done on reaching your goal! Thoughtful gifts you received. Hats off to
you for hiking in winter and snow! Enjoy!
I loved the daily posts. Thank you.
It’s fun to be working together on sewing with your daughter. Twice the fun, right? Mary
I understand the frustration with sewing machines. I haven't used mine in so long - it will be like getting to know it all over again. That's wonderful that your daughter was there to help you. That's what I did with my daughter when I was in Florida, only it was with knitting.
I'm glad you found your way home from your hike! It's wonderful for weather to be starting to be more conducive to walking outside again.
Congratulations for reaching your blogging goal. I'll have to go back and catch up!
I got a new sewing machine a while back, but use it so infrequently that I have to get reacquainted with it all over again. It's supposed to thread the needle for you, but I haven't figured out how to do that. I have to use a little magnifying glass to thread it. I'm glad your daughter was there to help.
Yay for finding your way off the trail! And for meeting up with friends, and posting more, and receiving a wanted book!
What a lovely and thoughtful gift your youngest daughter brought back to you .
Wow, posting every day for a month is a big accomplishment. I used to do that back in the day when blogging passed around a lot of fun memes to do and pass on. I never did catch the sewing bug. It was always sheer frustration to me. But I'll bet it's more fun sewing side by side with your daughter.
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