In August, The Professor and I took another road trip. We again headed west. This time, we drove the Oregon Trail. Since I am an Oregon native (and so was my dad), I have a special love for Oregon history. We spent several days following the trail as closely as we could. Some day I'll get all the pictures sorted and make some posts about our trip. Today, I just chose two photos of Oregon Trail signs.
We traveled all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Two photos of my favorite ocean.
...when I was in the nursery business, every summer to flew to Portland to see nursery suppliers. I found it interesting that many communities laid claim to being the site of the end of Oregon Trail!
That'll be an interesting post -- are there trail markers like these all along the 2000+ miles?!
That makes for a great trip all the way to the ocean you love.
I was at that lighthouse 2 years ago when I was in Oregon with friends. We went to Grants Pass and rode on the Rogue River. Then we drove to the beach while staying at a BnB at a place I can't remember. Still recovering from the cruise.
Beautiful... oh that ocean!!!
xx oo
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