Friday, January 17, 2025

Some Quiet Faves for Friday

January 17, 2025.  Friday.  We have had a quiet week for the most part.  It is almost midwinter, so here in this part of the world, we are experiencing snow and cold.  Maybe that's what slows us down and makes life more quiet.  As I reflect back on this week, I know I am very blessed.  Here are Five Faves that I chose to share. The link is to Susanne's blog-- our faithful host.

1.  My sister-in-law and I are close.  We were BFFs in high school.  We're always texting each other and sharing photos.  One day this week, I read a text that said, "I found Tracy!"  Hmmm, I didn't know Tracy was lost.  Which Tracy?  OH!  THAT Tracy!  Yay!  She was a blogger who lives in Norway and now she has a you tube channel.  I am glad my sister-in-law found her and we were able to reconnect.

2.  We had to make a drive to the airport to drop Younger Daughter off for a trip.  Warrior Boy asked if he could ride along.  Of course.  That meant we had extra time with him.  Not all that exciting-- a stop at Trader Joe's for groceries.  A wait for me at a dr appt (all's well).   But we enjoy any time we can have with our grandkids.

3.  Snow and cold means cuddling up with blankets, afghans, coffee and tea.  I am thankful I have a warm home!

4.  My cousin still lives in the area where our dads were born and raised.  He was at the local library and found old yearbooks and sent me (among many others) pictures of my dad.

Dad is second from right in the front row.  Yes, he was very tall.

5.  Older Daughter was able to take some hours off from work this week and joined us for our weekly coffee time with T and S.  We drove to a new to her (one of our usuals) coffee shop.  We had the best time.  Conversations never flag.  And the coffee and snacks are yummy.

Wishing you a quiet weekend with sunshine and smiles.


Tom said...

...we all need quiet moments.

Faith said...

I've been having a somewhat quiet week. The weekend will be quieter, thankfully. It's one thing about winter I embrace.
Love that you had grandson and daughter times and reconnected with an old friend.
And I also wrote about cozy comforts.
Have a cozy, quiet weekend!

ellen b. said...

What fun to see your dad in that Letterman photo from high school. Do they still have Lettermen in high school, I wonder. Sounds like your quiet week was nice.

nikkipolani said...

I remember Tracy! She left blogging and went on to IG, I think. How fun that you've relocated her.

All your talk of snow and cold has certainly made me want to snuggle down with something cozy and hot drink.

Love all the family time you've had from car rides to coffee dates.

Karen said...

It sounds like you had a lot of nice family moments this week. It's so nice that you and your SIL were friends before you became family! And now you have the best of both worlds.

My husband does our family genealogy through Ancestry and found some high school photos of our parents. I love getting new glimpses of them from that time.

Anonymous said...

Old photos are always fun. I’m also loving your blogposts working your way through the year. Mary

Barbara H. said...

We had a busy week, but I am looking forward to a quieter one next week. How fun to have a SIL that you're such good friends with! We have such distances, both in mileage and age, that we don't know our siblings-in-law very well.

That's fun your grandson wanted to go with you for an "ordinary" outing.

I never thought about looking up old yearbooks at the library. What a great idea! We don't live near where our parents went to school, but if we ever travel that way, I'll do that.

Wendy said...

How nice that your grandson wanted to spend the time with you. Yes winter is often a time for "quiet" moments and a warm home is definitely a blessing.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.