Back I went to the the graph paper and needles this morning. I now have what I truly hope is the last intarsia swatch. 30 stitches by 40 rows, four colors.
The absolute final intarsia swatch

I did learn something besides remembering to triple check directions before you design and that was weaving in yarn ends a different way. This time I wove them in diagonally. Some knitting books say to weave ends in vertically on the back side, others tell you to weave them in diagonally. This time I tried it diagonally (probably because I just started reading the first Harry Potter book and noticed with amusement that the shopping area under London was called DIAGON ALley).

You really can't see the weaving on the front side.

Looks great, mumsy!
How are you liking Harry Potter?
I finished the first book and have started on the second one. Much better than I thought--the writing, I mean. And I'm trying to figure out what all the fuss was over when the first one came out.
The fuss was over its use of magic and many conservatives thought it was evil. hah. All I can say is, those who said that need to read the last book-- complete gospel story in Harry Potter. ;oP
They are pretty well written, eh.
good writing, sense of humor that doesn't come out in the movies. The great story is always about good and evil and good triumphant in the end. I'm readint the second book and the reaction of the car, dumping the luggage out and throwing the boys on the ground amused me. Personification! Anthromorphicalization of the big piece of steel. I could visualize the "look of disgust" on the grill.
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