Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Off On A Little Trip

Monday, October 29, 2007
Next Summer's Garden
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Aran Sweater

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tea for Two
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

The visitors center features a Chumash demonstration village. I did not take any photos of it out of respect for the people who were attending a memorial service there.
The culture center features a garden of plants commonly used by Native American Indians.
We returned to our car along the same part of the trail and promised ourselves that we would come back and hike a longer section, even all the way out to the beach at Point Mugu State Park.
It won't be any time soon--the brochure warns us, "Trail closures will be in effect duringand following extreme weather or hazardous conditions, " and "Fire is a constant danger. Open fires are prohibited."
San Diego Fires
My morning sky is tinged with pink and yellow. There is still smoke in the air and the wind is still blowing. It's probably another rain/smoke/wind stay inside day in kindergarten. Sigh.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Being Prepared
Update at 6:45pm: The evacuation line seems to have moved closer to MamaMia. We are monitoring it online.

Nothing of interest was found by our group so we dug in two other areas, one down by the creek. We slid down the bank, under the California Live Oak trees, through the poison oak and brush, to the creek bed.
We dug our hole, screened some very hard dirt and clay and found nothing of archeological interest.
The archeologist must determine if the site needs a more extensive search for artifacts. Fortunately for this owner, the decision was that while this area may have seen habitation by the Chumash it wasn'thabited by very many people or for long periods of time. He can now move forward to build his dream home.
We did discover some interesting non-archeological items.
A large (3 inches long!) potato bug. He didn't much want to be discovered and headed for the dirt as fast as he could.
Many, many yellow acorns and dried leaves.
There were euchalyptus trees along the creek bed, too. The Professor calls them wild fire torches because in dry weather the bark and branches get so dry and all that wonderful oil is just waiting to burn.
Maybe the Chumash Indians didn't stay around the wild fire areas a long time. They, like us, loved the Southern California coastal mountains and beaches, but they periodically got burned out, too.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Wild Fire and Santa Ana Wind Season
MamaMia called from San Diego to say that they are packing, "just in case". Their best friends have evacuated from their brand new home.
It is a little difficult to settle down to any one activity. As you can imagine, my attention is divided: the sky, the wind, the smoke, the TV news, the activities I should be doing right now.
At this point, Willow's Cottage is not in any fire danger. We are getting lots of wind, smoke and ash. My Bible study class was cancelled for this evening so I am taking some extra time to organize my evacuation/emergency file. I had not updated it since we moved in the summer. I asked The Professor what items I should grab for him if I were home alone and had to evacuate. He replied, "My guitar." OK, check. Got it on the list. What's on my list? The Knitting Guild Association master handknitting Level Three projects, my spinning wheel, my mother's ring.
What would you grab on the way out the door?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Santa Ana Winds

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Channel Islands National Park
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Autumn Pink?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

As I was trekking up the side of the hill, I wondered if this trail is anything like the uphill walk my friend describes taking every summer day in Oxford--to the top of Shotover Hill. I walked several switch-backs until I came out on the top of the hill and I could look all over the valley.

Usually our weather, even in the fall and winter, is sunny, like it was on Saturday when we took Kiti and Mike over to Cal State University, Channel Islands to show them where The Professor is teaching. Ojai Hall is the building his classroom is in.
I went clothes shopping this afternoon. As you know, if you read my post about eight true things about me, I hate shopping, but I really need to add a few school outfits to my wardrobe that are washable and will stand up to glue, paste, and fingerpaint and still look somewhat professional. So, after such a day, I am going to knitting group.
Tomorrow--knitting pictures!