In the past few weeks I have been the recipient of some little gifties. These presents have come from friends I have met through Blogland.
When Ellen and I met Sara at Getty Villa last week, Sara handed us a large bag of these to share:

Yummy! Avocados from her very own trees. Home grown avocados are a special treat.

After I posted in January about my perfect Christmas gift, The Green Year by Barbara Webster, Sara's interest was piqued about the author. She found several of Webster's novels at a used bookstore, bought them, read them and then passed them on to me. She also included a book mark and a magnet that she had made herself. I have already put all her little gifties to good use, as you can see.

Ellen knows my love (obsession?) of cobalt blue anything. I have a particular weakness for the deep blue on any kind of china. Ellen found this treasure and gifted it to me.
Boggers certainly are lovely people and its lovely to meet up too. Jane x lucky you !!
happy weekend :)
Bloggers are great!
Bloggers are great and what amazing gifts you received!
Those are lovely treasures. I agree the best in the whole world :)
What lovely thoughtful gifts!! I didn't know you loved cobalt blue so much... now I'll have to remember that! Enjoy reading your new books too! The candlestick is gorgeous. I have always loved blue and white dishes. They seem very English to me. I hope all is well there. I've been thinking about you and remembering you in my prayers!
They most definitely are, and those are wonderful gifts!
Funny...I just gave an avocado from our tree to the Professor yesterday. Did he remember to share?
I agree. Bloggers are great people. It is so touching to read about all the wonderful people out there that we have never even met in person who care so much about making others smile.
If the whole world were as nice and carring the world would be a wonderful place.
Darn, I just left a comment and then promptly lost it. I think you lucked out in the gift department. I can't imagine growing avocados - perhaps in another lifetime!
Your books are wonderful as is your candlestick. I love white and blue china too.
Wow! that is really wonderful of her to do..What a kind and giving person.. thanks for sharing
It does my heart good to see that you have been pampered with these gifties. Blogging friends are special.
Hope all is well with you. It's been a while since I've been able to drop by for a visit. Life sometimes gets in the way.
What fun gifts, and what a great story about your treasured book. It is fun to find kindred spirits in cyberspace.
I agree!
Blogland is filled with lovely people who seem to like to share their pleasures and interests and time and energy.
Only this week I've had offers of places to stay in Austria and Norway, met blog friends and friends of bloggers from Scotland, Italy and Holland.
Blue and white china is always gorgeous - when they try it in pink or some such it's not quite the same - see Spode's lovely "Blue Collection."Have a super weekend.
Four Barbara Webster books!!! That's a bundle of good reading!!
The candle sticks are perfect for you and the avocado's will make your meals delicious!!
Hi again! I should have told you before that I had been using the FuzzyMitten pattern. Let me tell you a few alterations that have worked for me. You may or may not want to try them. I think the body is a little long, so I usually only knit three rows between increases instead of five. I also cast off straight across at the bottom and sew the legs inside my seam. It's a great pattern as is, but I wanted to copy our "friend's" look.
You'll have fun using different yarn too. Julie uses Rowan cotton, and I love it. Woodland Woolworks has a great selection and they deliver quickly. I'm excited to see what you do.
Oh! I also use seed stitch for the ears.
This is such a surprise to me and I hope you enjoy the find....Barbara Webster School in Santa Paula, CA
I wonder what the story behind using her name is?
Yes, bloggers are wonderful people and don't you just love the little gifts that come out of the blue? (That blue and white candlestick ? vase? I already forgot) was so nice!! Enjoy your goodies!!
You are right! Blogger are the best!! Have a blessed Sunday!
kari & kijsa
Thank you for commenting on my stump. LOL I'm going to get some of that white gravel to put around it, I think. That makes a yard look very clean and there's a few other spots I need to put it as well. I'm going to put some fine gravel under it to prevent it from sinking into the yard.
Thank you for the comments on the tenant. I have thought the same thing. I do know he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it is hard for him to through anything away. Brandon has that, so I do understand. However, in Ontario, we are liable for what our tenants do and I can't afford a fine. I do think he has something else going on as well. Since I'm used to coping with Brandon, I tried to be patient, but when he became disrespectful, calling me names, he had to go. I do feel sorry for him but must protect our best interests. Thank you for your support. Very much appreciated, my friend.
Have a wonderful week.
The candlestick is lovely.
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