Come to think of it, there are succulents everywhere in Southern California. There are cacti in the wild landscape.

Large succulents in public places, like these on the grounds of California State University, Channel Islands.

Smaller varieties grow in residential gardens.

Thank you all for your thoughts and suggestions about what to do with the succulents MS gave me. I agree with Knitting Linguist and Caroline. I prefer the herb garden plants of the Mediterranean climate, but maybe there is a place for succulents.
Hi Willow - i do have such a "soft spot" for succulents and they are so water tolerant in these times of water shortages in Australia.
When you come to England, if you have time you might enjoy a visit to Mottisfont Abbey House and Gardens, It is home to the National Collection of old fashsioned roses. Jane x
i much prefer herb gardens and more northern foliage to the desert succulents...
I imagine your succulents flower much more than ours do.
I have a similar dilemma, Willow. I love the little succulent shapes, but they just don't fit well with my roses. So for now, they reside in a big bonsai tray. Your specimens, on the other hand, would need their own corner of the garden!
I admit that we do have some succulents stashed around the edges of our yard, even if I do spend more time near my lavender ;) Those are great pictures!
The herbs are more kid friendly of course, but I love the look of a good cactus too. Happy mid week!
I just had to add another comment about shawls and running out of yarn -- that exact same thing happened to me when I was knitting Icarus; I ran out of yarn (kidsilk haze no less) as I was casting off (and the final cast-off row on that shawl is no joke -- hundreds and hundreds of stitches!). Thank goodness the yarn store where I'd bought the yarn had another ball in the same dyelot, otherwise I would have just collapsed. It was traumatic, though... :)
:) Good thing there is such a variety on this earth!
It's always fun to see these strange looking plants around...
Lots of water and sunshine will do the trick on the cosmos! Yes, germinating is wonderful but when nothing comes's terrible!! Sometimes the seed can be bad. Where did you get your seed and what year was it gathered for?
Your succulents look huge! Are they? I like the little ones that grow here. We don't have the large variety, at least I haven't seen them. I put mine in containers and place them in the garden.
I love when you write about and share photographs from your part of the world, it is fascinating to see what is growing around you.
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