It came to me already washed but not carded or cleaned of stickers and grass. So I decided to predraft the fiber by hand and not put it through my drum carder or hand carders.

I've been spinning steadily for several weeks (after waiting for a new drive belt which I purchased the last time I visited Village Weaving and Spinning in Solvang, CA).

I've filled several bobbins with spun and plied yarn and now have six skeins finished.

Usually spinning is a relaxing, reflective activity. I get in the groove and just spin and allow my mind to go where ever it wants to go. This fiber requires more attention because I didn't card it. It's light gray so there is no color interest. It's boring. And. It's...dog hair.
I hope I'll be finished soon.
But I think the family whose dog it is will be happy for all your help.
Does seem a little.......unusual.
Our son and daughter inlaw have a "cockerpoo" poodle/spaniel which has hair not fur. They dote on him.
I PROMISE never to tell them this wonderful idea!
Happy weekend.
I didn't even know that was possible!
I wonder what they want to make with it?
My dog is black and white - and sheds way too much - and I dote on her - but, don't worry, I'm not wishing for black and white doggy mitts or hat :)
You are one dedicated spinner that's what I have to say. Good job...
It's a whole galaxy for your crown, my dear. Many people blend in a bit of wool to make dog hair easier to spin. I'm a little late with that hint, though. You deserve something luscious as a reward. If you could spin anything in the world, regardless of cost, what would you have? (Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to buy it and send it to you. I'm still saving up for a new swimsuit. As I get older, my swimsuits require more engineering which ups the price. I just need to work a few more weeks . . .)
Oh no! Now I'm thinking about having that done for my dogs fur. I love my dog and would love to have something made of his fur so that even when he is gone I will always have him with me.
I think you could have a BIG business doing this if you took an ad out.
There are many "crazy" pet owners like me out there.
Ohmygosh - that is a HUGE favor! Hopefully they'll be suitably grateful. :^)
Shelties are pretty silky, but this 'fleece' looks a little fuzzy - what does it feel like??
Very interesting! It looks like a lot of dog hair...does it shed?
Very strange. Did the dog die or did they just collect the hair for the fun of it?
Oh! This is my first time visiting your blog and I found you through Ellen. It sounds like the two of you have many adventures together.
Have a great rest of the weekend.
What a cool idea! Any chance I could send you some from my black Lab? LOL
Wow - how amazing.
You could knit yourself another dog hey??
OH MY GOSH! You are amazing! How fascinating!
M ^..^
Yes, but what a lovely thing to do for your friend.
I am laughing because we have this same hair all around the house right now... Ellie is shedding! I assume collie and sheltie hair is just alike! I always thought her hair would make good yarn! Ellie's is more cream colored but she also has beautiful red hair. If you ever get in the mood to spin dog hair again, I'll save you some!!
Wonderful! So much hair from one dog...are you sure it's not bald? LoL.
Thanks for your kind comments on my post "three things that delighted me this week" Your comments delighted me this week!...cheers...Pam
I did a post on dog hair not too long ago. I have a huge bag full of it that I was going to add to the compost, but now I'm thinking it was meant for bigger, better things.
Hey Willow,
We got to watch someone spin wool this weekend. Very neat. And dog hair... how cool!
Hmmmm, Cold Stone with your boy!
It's not so hot today..in the 80's.
Tomorrow it rains and so it goes.:)
I ordered the two books from Amazon and they should get to me in a week. Can you locate them?
You are a very good person. Really. It's funny that you post about this now, as I just had a conversation with a friend about spinning dog fur, and I told her that if I were ever to suggest such a thing, she should immediately have me committed. You are a good person, and I'm sure your friend appreciates what you're doing! :)
You are a great friend to help them out!
Hope you have a great week!
smiles, kari & kijsa
are you sure? DOG HAIR?? no typo error and I dont need to change my glasses..wow, ok, this is new news to me..never knew dog hair can be spun to be yarn. happy week ahead :)
Such fun to see these in-progress photos, Willow! I love to knit, but must say I have yet to try spinning or dye...things to look forward to! Happy Days with the fiber...((HUGS))
I saw something on TV once about a woman who makes garments out of cat and dog hair, after spinning it into yarn. I'm curious about what your friend is going to make with that dog hair yarn...
What a wonderful gift for someone. I have heard of people doing this - thank you for sharing. Will they knit something from the yarn?
You sure are a multi-talented person. That is truly a gift to that friend. I'm not sure how much I want to think about what one would do with "dog-hair." Mmmm, I just can't think of it actually being next to my skin. Nevertheless, you are a true friend:)
What a task you've taken upon yourself! I admire you greatly.
I'm so glad you mentioned Solvang... one of my favorite places to visit!
Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage
I have laughed at this post! You have done a large favor for someone. I wondered if you were going to knit a jacket for the dog from the hair. LOL
Well, you are REALLY talent Willow!
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