Many people have mentioned our California jacaranda trees that are blooming right now, so I decided to take a picture of the magnificent purple tree in one of the local shopping centers.

Many of my neighbors have hummingbird feeders as our area is evidently a favorite hummingbird haunt, definitely a 'destination' on the hummingbird yearly tour. I received one feeder as a Christmas gift from a friend and then my neighbor 'upgraded' her feeder to a bigger one and gifted her old one to me. So, now I have two feeders. They hang on the side of Willow's Cottage near the front door. I have a few 'regulars' who stop by for breakfast, second breakfast, nuncheon, lunch, afternoon snack, teatime, dinner, and dessert. They seem to like the jasmine snack bar as well.

Because of the spinning, I haven't picked up my camera since Friday and so I don't even have a photo to show you of the Mother's Day gift that arrived via the mail. I'm so excited to show it off. Maybe tomorrow.
MamaMia is here visiting for a few days. And we are hoping for a whirlwind visit from The Boy and his mama over the weekend.
There are 16 days of school left this year. But, who's counting?
I did not post my last week's walking steps totals yesterday. So here they are now: 8,871 steps was my average. I did several days with 10,000 steps or more, but Saturday was so warm I barely walked out to the mailbox, so my totals reflect the one lower day.
OK. Back to spinning.
Oh your hummingbird photo is beautiful. You really captured him/her well!! Sheesh I've only had about 4000 steps yesterday and today. Enjoy your family...
Everytime I brush my dog now and get a brush full of hair I think of you sitting there spinning and spinning.
I still think you could make millions doing that as a business.
Wow - what a fabulous bird.
great to catch up with all your doings!!!
Banana flower is really quite tasty an so much fun to make!!!
Yes, the humming bird is magical.
glad they are giving you time off from the dog hair spinning.
Aren't jacarandas a beautiful color!
Aren't jacarandas lovely? They are my all-time very favorite blooming tree in the world (followed closely by coral trees -- love coral trees). Ours is *finally* coming into bloom, and I am so enjoying sitting on the back patio and gazing at it! :)
Enjoy your visits!
The humming birds are beautiful and the Jacaranda is so pretty. I couldn't say how many steps i do, i just know i walk what seems miles around school all day. Jane x
I love going with you on these walks :)
You are so lucky to have HUmmingbirds.
You are doing so much spinning!! I can't believe you've gotten that much yarn from dog hair! I love the purple trees... I'll have to show my daughter your photo because purple is her favorite color! And the photo of the hummingbird is so great. Enjoy your last couple weeks of school!
Love the roses in the header!
Take some time to visit Mama Mia, I just saw that for the second time in March and just loved it...
It reflects our generation to a tee.
Also enjoy that little one, as he's growing so quickly eh?
I'm thinking about sending wool to your place to have you skein it for me???
The birds are stunning and enthralling to see!!
I also like the header. It's fun to change things around and try out new things! The roses must be David Austens..? They look like heirloom roses.
Oh, yeah! Spin that puppy! You go, girl! Yayyyy willow! Ply, baby, ply! (does the cheering help? You are such a troopeer to do this.)
Lovely photos!
The Jacaranda tree is gorgeous - it's great that you have hummingbird feeders & lots of hummingbirds to watch.
Spinning the dog hair must be not too much fun... I hope it is finished soon.
Not many more days left of school ... yay! Summer vacation will be here soon.
Terrific photos of your hummers! I used to think I didn't need feeders since plenty of them come for my neighbor's huge hedge of hibiscus. Until they cut them down to the ground a few weeks ago!
Hi Willow, I have tagged you i hope you don't mind. Jane x
Hi Linda! it was so nice to meet you at the knitting club! I have a lot to glean from your blog!
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