Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Sniff, Sip, Snip, Knit

That's been my afternoon.
My cold has gotten to the sniffing my nose stage.
I have been sipping my Earl Grey tea from a sweet little Blue Willow cup.
I brought a bit of cutting and pasting work home from school to work on.
I'm hoping to add a few more inches to the back of the sweater.
After teaching his class this evening, The Professor will be helping to do the lighting for a concert at the university. I had intended to go but I don't think the soprano soloist and pianist would appreciate my accompaniment with sniff-sniff-blow even though I'm sure I could keep in time with them. I will have a comforting dinner ready for The Professor as I think he will be quite tired. Hmmm, I think mac and cheese, my comfort food.


Mama Mia said...

Poor Daddy and Mumsy! Feel better! :o)

Mary said...


If you have a health food store nearby, pick up some Breathe Easy tea. It works great for respiratory, sinus and the common cold.

Hope you and the Professor are feeling better soon. This thing tends to drag-out over a long period of time. Hubby has had it two weeks. I was fortunate to get over mine quickly. Be sure to take lots of Vitamin C.


roxie said...

Recover fast, Sugarplum!