Yesterday on our walk, The Professor and I noticed the snowy mountains to the north of us. Yes, snowy mountains in Southern California! All the rain we have had here falls as snow above 5,000 feet and provides a wonderful, spectacular backdrop for the lower hills and the palm trees, with the blue, blue sky above the layer of clouds.

Imagine our delight when we found these blossoms on a tree by the road.

These blooms were blowing hard in the wind. And this afternoon the rains returned.

Perhaps there will be more snow on the mountains tomorrow.
Do you have soon these blossoms there? We have them in middle of May!
It must have been the day for all of us to look at the mountains!
I loved your comment on my previous blog.
Yes, the electricity in Morocco can be a little.....random...... shall we say.
You seem to have lived in some fascinating places.
Have a lovely and peaceful week.
Snow and blossom--so extraordinary! Here in southern Norway we are oddly without snow and here it's the end of Januaruy! Happy week to you ((HUGS))
I love it when you can see the mountains in Southern California and when you can see them so clearly with snow on them that is amazing for sure....
That must be exciting to see the snow from your yard covered with blossoms. THis makes me think of the scene in Edward Scissor Hands when at the end The Grandma(Wynona) looks out the window at the house on the hil surounded by snow... created by the sad scissor hands on ice.
Wonderful snowy mountains, with blue skies, and blossoms too, and palm trees. We photographed the same blossoms, but up your way they seem to be in fuller bloom!
Those photos are gorgeous! It looks like you're enjoying our cold storms as much as I am :) I'm hoping to make it up to the mountains this weekend to actually get down in the snow and enjoy it, if only for a little while...
I love the blossoms picture. We received a small bit of snow last night and might get some more tomorrow. Lovely pictures.
Yeah, it was very refreshing!
And yes, I think you're right and many, if not most people have their journeys to the fringes of the church and then back into it. Usually a "journey to the heart of God" is not in a straight line.
This is so pretty! My kids are sitting here next to me, amazed at the palm trees in front of snowy mountains. And the blooms look like snow too! You live in such a different climate than us... and you're so lucky!!
blossoms in January. Oh Wow!!
The scenery is lovely.
Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I used to knit 30 some years ago and am trying to find some new projects once again.
I worked as an administrative assistant for a professor, so I wonder what it's like living with a professor????
I envy your walks on the beach.
I love the ocean.
Such exquisite delights you encountered on your walk Willow, blue skies, snowy mountains and blossom and if that wasn’t enough to make your heart sing on a day in January, palm trees too... Go on, just to make me feel a little more envious, tell me that the fragrance of the blossom scented the air...... Have a wonderful day! Marion
They look a little like pear blossoms - how lovely to have all that white around! Haven't the mountains been spectacular against the blue blue sky?
Such a beautiful contrast. Blossom and snow. Are you much further South than Sara or are they different mountains to her snow topped mountains.
Your first photograph looks like a water colour painting. What a beautiful sight. I think you know how the blossoms lift my spirits as do the thoughts of palm trees while the temperature hovers at -24 fahrenheit.
Ah, flowers do much for your hearts.
I love the photos. I think I am a californian at heart.
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