Bethany at Red Yarn is someone I met through blogging. I'm getting to know her life and family and she, mine. She gave me this award:

Thanks, Bethany! You make my day, too.
I'm not so good at passing on awards. I don't know how I can choose just ten people. The award rules say: "Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."
I check these blogs every day because the writers inspire me, make me laugh, and make me think. Roxie, Sara, Kate, Monica, Barbara. I've started checking in with Neulekirppu, Elizabeth, Tyra and Rima. So many other people inspire, amuse me, and challenge me. If you read my blog and I read yours, I want you to know I enjoy each and every encounter.
Have a great day in blogland! Leave me a comment and Make My Day!
Hi Willow. You definitely make my day with your blog. I love your pictures and quirky insights. I can see where Kiti gets her charm. :o) I wish I could blog more often, but want to spend as much time with my newborn ... and also try to keep the house in order as well.
Thanks for making my day, you definitely deserve that award.
We love Bethany....she is so talented and fun! Congratulations on your really deserve it!
kari & kijsa
Thank you Willow for passing on this award. You definitely make my day and are more than well-deserving of this award. Reading your posts always makes me smile. Your love for your family and friends shines through in every post.
And then, there's the knitting! I'll always think of you when I'm blocking one of my scarves.
I would love to give your blog an award too - but don't know how to.
So just accept this as
Did you ever post the "7 weird or random things about me"? It was fun.
Glad you like all my animal friends.
I have such fun with my blog trying to capture happy sights to delight the eye - and spirit.
Hello Willow, and thanks so much for your award and kind words :) Blogs are great aren't they and I am always amazed at those from other far off countries who stumble through my doors. I wish you a happy warm & creative January :) Rima
I definitely look forward to reading your posts. It helps me stay connected because I sometimes won't see all my knitting friends as often as I'd like on Thursday K2Tog.
Shazzam, Willow! You just made my day!!
Hi! I'm so glad that you left a comment on my blog so that I could pop over here :) (I agree with you that "meeting" new people is one of the best bits about blogging.) Thanks so much for your comments on Betchen -- I'm glad that someone who's met her thinks I got the description somewhat right; she's such a role model that it's almost scary to try to describe her! It's too funny that your daughter is at SDSU; I teach at Cal State San Marcos, just up the road a ways. Small world, no? I'll be back to read more!
:) I was happy to see all the "blog love" over here this morning!!! You're great Willow!
Well-deserved, Willow! I've enjoyed seeing your warm-up photos. My satsuma tree died this last year (actually, the rootstock took over) and your photo reminds me to get a replacement.
Thank you Willow I am honoured.
Hi Willow, thank you for my award! If I did not have all my blogging friends to visit every day and all their various worlds to visit and interact with, I would truly miss them....
Wow, thank you for the award. Your blog is very uplifting with all of your pictures and your knitting. :)
Thank you Willow for the award! Blogging is really amazing way to get new friends, ideas etc.
There is only one problem with is quite addicting!
Glad you enjoyed your little visit to the souks!
Yes, you can buy cloth and yarn.
The souks - large semi-covered shopping area - is made up of all different little shops but there is a slipper area and a leather area a jewelry bit. However some spill into each other!
When I lived in LA in 1976/7, I worked for a short while at the Farmers' Market.
All best wishes
The walk you see on my blog is up to a third of a mile. I did walk a lot further but wanted the blog to be just my immediate neighbourhood - where I live.
We are right on the edge of London so have farmland and countryside on 3 sides of us. Really nice as it is also only 15 miles t the centre of London.
Congrats lady. I love our community. So supportive. And handy with the yarn!
An award is not enough. You've been Making My Day for more than 30 years.
What i loved in LA was sitting in the garden under the palm tree and having an avocado tree and birds of paradise outside the front door.
I remember Mexican food at the Farmer's Market.
We lived just off Melseose( Poinsttia Place) so I didn't go downtown much.
Greetings from Marrkech!
Hi Willow - you've started something here, awards are everywhere between here and as far away as Finland! I have given you a Make My Day Award also....thank you for your friendship!
I was thinking exactly the same thing today. One of my best friends never even reads my blog. I have mentioned it to her several times,have showed it to her, and yet she seems to have no interest. And yet, she is on, etc. a lot. I don't get it! But it is true -- we have all made such great friends through blogging.
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