When I cast on a charcoal alpaca/acrylic blend yarn with a second strand of black wool for a scarf for Son #2, I experimented with mistake rib in different widths. I wanted an urban look, something to match his black leather jacket or his London Fog trench coat. I knitted and tinked, changed needle size, knitted and tinked. It just wasn't working.
I had made a blue moss stitch scarf for myself in December and have been very happy with it, so I decided to just check out a moss stitch with the yarn combination.
I like it.

I think Mike will like it, too.
Ooh. Very nice. And very urban and hip -- isn't it funny what a difference the yarn and color make when combined with the stitch? Of course, fair warning, I really like moss stitch in general, so I may be biased :)
I'm sorry you had one of those "bad teacher" days -- I'm very sure that your students probably didn't think you did badly! (Although I know that such reassurances don't always help.) I have done monolingual demonstrations, mostly in the context of trainings for people who want to teach a native california language to folks who don't know it yet. And yes, I get lots of very odd looks :)
I like your urban touch. That would match my daughter perfectly. She loved the hat and now I thought of making her an afghan and I will keep in mind what you posted.
Who knows what I will come up with. It's like you said, Change the needles and play around, because my girl is totally country.
I've always liked moss stitch, it's so versitle. Love the yarn--great color. Happy Day ((HUGS))
I like moss stitch - it's so comfortable knobbly - and charming.
Very handsome! My husband would look good in that too! Please show the finished product :)
I think he'll like it too. You just reminded me to pick up my knitting tonight.
By the way, I'll check the label but the yarn I was trying to knitt with on my youngest scarf is um fleece like and too thick. I think I'm going to just put it aside, and start with another yarn. It just moves at a snails pace. Is it me?
I like charcoal grey...it's the color for the scarf I made DH. He wears it when he goes camping in the Sierras.
Very nice - how could anyone not like it? I love when my daughter knits things for me.
I like it too, and the color.
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