Seagulls of Thornhill Broome Beach
Seagulls are interesting beach birds. They gather in flocks, hanging out at the water's edge, eating leftovers snacks, gossiping about the beachcombers, the terns, and those odd solitary birds-those pelicans,
playing catch-me-if-you-can with the waves,

whiling away the afternoon,

until evening comes and the westerly sun turns the horizon pink-orange-red,
Wow, again! I love the atmosphere of the photos.
Indeed, I do think mks go all in or all out! I think that can be true of their response to life overseas as well though. It's sort of a flight, fight, or disengage response.
I disengaged, tried to make myself invisible, and just wait out furlough.
Life after Papua (for good, when I came back for college) was a blank wall for me, I had no vision of what it would look like, nor did I care. Life was in Papua, and leaving was the end of the world, in some ways! Took me a while to get over that. For that reason, I think Moody was good for me. It let the transition be step-by-step instead of all at once.
This is a great post Willow! Feels like I'm there...
Lovely photo essay. I especially like the way you worked with the evening light.
I love that. I love the rocks under the birds feet. I'm getting all mellowed out just looking at the post.
And now... anyone from the midwest or northeast is violently jealous because, yes, it is beautiful like that in January here in SoCal. ;o)
Pretty lighting on these shots, Willow. I esp like the crowd of birds shot. They look like they go on and on.
Beautiful photos! "Whiling away the afternoon" reminds me of a quote by Annie Dillard I saw recently: "Spend the afternoon. You can't take it with you." I love that.
Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. It made me feel warm. LOL
Ha! I love The Professor's comment about A students. I have been known to tell students "You're supposed to laugh now." :) I actually went to Cal for grad school, so I have seen some of the Ishi's things at the Phoebe Hearst, but I didn't see an exhibit -- I'll have to look for it when I'm visiting next time. Enjoy Women's Work!
Lovely pictures and narrative. I love the sound of seagulls.
Feel like I've had a day at the beach...(And I live near the beach--LOL!) Sea birds are wonderful creatures. How terrific you were able to capture them so well. Just beautiful! Happy Day ((HUGS))
I love looking at your photos...they are so beautiful! And they warm me a bit, as it is so cold here!!! Enjoy your sunshine!
The photos make me feel as if I'm right there alongside you. Thank you for sharing.
Please stop by my blog. I have a little something for you.
Is it Albert Hammond?? Do I win?
Lovely gull pics. I love watching them at the beach. They also come to our local park everyday.
Those are beautiful photographs. What a lovely sunset.
Hi,first time drop by here. You have nice pictures.
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