The pattern, originally shared with me by Roxie at Sanna's Bag, is deceptively easy. It is worked in garter stitch and all you really need to know to make this is 1. how to make a knit stitch, 2. how to k2tog, or knit two stitches together, and 3. how to pick up stitches along the edge of already knitted material.
I cast on 16 stitches, placed a marker, cast on 16 more stitches. I knitted every row, knitting two stitches together (k2tog) just before the marker, until there were 2 stitches left and I then passed the first stitch over the second stitch, cut the yarn and pulled it taut. OK, so, there is a fourth thing you need to know--4. how to pass that first stitch over the second one.
I made 6 diamonds, placed them in a row, picked up 16 stitches along the top diagonal edge of one, placed a marker, picked up 16 stitches along the facing diagonal edge of a second diamond and worked the same pattern as above. I attached all six diamond together the same way and then kept adding diamonds until I had 14 rows of diamonds. I switched out the two colors to make an interesting pattern. Every other row, along the edges I had to make 'half diamonds' and for those I simply picked up 16 stitches and decreased every other row along the outer edge of the blanket.
The yarn is so so soft and cuddly. A perfect gift of love for my first grandchild.
What a lucky grandbaby to have a grandmama who will knit something to keep him surrounded in love! I'm betting that this blanket will turn out to be one of those things that gets taken everywhere all the time :)
Thanks for the info on the Solvang store. We live in North County San Diego, so I have the sneaking suspicion that Solvang is more than a long one-day trip (Santa Monica is about the range of one-days), but we'll just have to find a weekend to go -- my husband, being of Danish heritage, should love it!
What a lovely blanket! :) Your grandson has a talented grandma.
I love the pattern and the colors. The instructions, however, were all Greek to me! (smile)
I love how the blue and white complement each other. Beautiful combo for "Fuzzy."
BTW, I'm posting a yarn giveaway to celebrate my 2 year blogiversary tomorrow. Stop by or send anyone interested in yarn. My entry requirement is to submit your favorite weeknight dinner recipe.
Wow what a blanket! The pattern is really lovely. Blue and white are colours of ours flag also. :)
How wonderful that you are going to have a grandson soon! What a miracle filled with joy for you. The blanket is beautiful.
Oh what a blessed little boy to have such a wonderful blanket made by love by his grandma!
It is so beautiful!
That's going to be beautiful. I do love me some crazy staircase Escher Art. I think I take my navagation skills in the car from Mr. Escher.
What a beautiful pattern, Willow. The color has such depth.
Addicting, isn't it? I knew you would take it and run. Wonderful color arrangements!
This really is a lovely pattern for your Grandchilds's cover. Made so much more special by your exceptionally neat knitting.
Don't know if you have ever looked but I posted on all the things I knitted in advance of my grandchild arriving. I started several years in advance. They are under the label knitting.
I hope my posts have given you food for thought for you itinerary and not confusion.Not many people have their own personal tour guide before they even leave the house!!
The colours and the pattern of this blanket are gorgeous. You are an amazing knitter. It doesn't sound in the least bit easy to me!
I've been away and not doing much blogging or reading. Hopefully I'm getting back into it now.
You must be getting excited about the arrival of your grandchild.
Willow, that is sooo cool!!! How many years have I taught about M.C.Escher's tesselations and never once thought about using the patterns in a knitted blanket. You are so lucky... I can't wait to be a grandma some day!! (okay, maybe just a bit until my own children grow up...but I really miss having babies around!)
Lucky you - having someone so special to look forward to.
A beautifully colored blanket too.
We used to knit squares for blankets for refugees during Lent when I was a child.
I wonderf if people still do that or whether blankets - like everything else - are made in China?
Yours looks so personal and snuggly.
Have a super weekend.
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