Black Friday. The day of all the days of the year I avoid stores and shopping. I choose not to buy anything on Black Friday, although for me it's not that big a deal as I so thoroughly dislike shopping at the best and easiest of times. Why would I want to shop on the busiest day of the year?
MamaMia works part time in retail, so she had to report for work at 2:30pm today. The rest of us left at the Thanksgiving Day location scattered in different directions, some to Barnes and Noble or Best Buy, one to the sofa in the living room armed with a good book, The Princess and I to the beach for a stroll in the sand.
The wind surfers were out in full force at Silver Strand State Beach. The park is located on the sand-spit that forms the outer edge of San Diego Bay between Coronado and Imperial Beach. The point in the northern distance is Point Loma on the north end of San Diego.

To the south is Imperial Beach. And beyond that, Mexico.

Sand dollars lay in the sand at the water's edge. The beach lover in me had to pick up several specimens and carry them home. The sand has gold flecks, not silver, so I wonder why the beach is called Silver Strand; it should be Gold Strand.

Another thing to be thankful for: beaches to explore!
What beautiful photo - especially the sand dollar - I love how you caught the golden flecks in the sand.
I agree with you about Black Friday!
You asked about my B&W photo - that was atop Signal Hill in the little park there. I had taken it some time ago in color, so I used iPhoto imaging to change it to B&W.
Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. And enjoyed the beach too; not many can boast of that this time of year!
Ah, yes. I refused to go anywhere that had people (although, of course, we did go to Starbucks in the morning).
"Do you want to go to the beach?"
Answer: No, why would I want to go to the beach? It is cold and wet there.
"Do you want to go with us to the mall?"
Answer: No, why would I want to go to the mall? I loathe shopping and people at the best of times. Why would I go on the day after Thanksgiving?
Your photos are beautiful!!! What a wonderful way to spend Black Friday!!! I am not into shopping so I will never be one of those people who are out on that day. I am going to try to make things this year, or buy from individuals...then resort to internet shopping which always works for me!
What a wonderful way to spend the holiday. One of my favorite things to do is pick up shells and pebbles on the beach. Those are beautiful photos.
Wishing you safety with the new fires - let us know what is going on with it if you can!
Oh, I haven't been to Silver Strand in a million years! How lovely to enjoy the sand and water. The day after Thanksgiving is always Christmas decoration day at my house.
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