Yes, it's true. Malibu is burning again.
The Professor told me when I woke up yesterday morning in Chula Vista, "It looks like we'll be taking the 101 Fwy home today instead of driving up Hwy 1 (Pacific Coast Hwy). There's another fire in Malibu and the road is closed."
As we were driving the freeway north toward the coast and home we could see the plumes of smoke in almost the exact same place as last month's fire. I was going to take a photo but I realized it would look just like the pictures I had taken last month. The headlines of today's Daily News read "Deja vu in Malibu". You can read the stories and see an interactive map on their website, The interactive map shows evacuation areas and burn lines.
Thankfully, the fire is not affecting us other than changing our travel plans a little yesterday. We are, however, keeping an eye and an ear alert for any changes. The winds have died down and it is cloudy today; better weather for fighting fires.
I have been gone for the last four weekends, visiting family, helping my daughter pack to move, celebrating Thanksgiving. Now I will be focusing on three things:
Chaplain Dan's deployment
CTEL tests I have to study for and take on December 10th.
I'm sure I'll need to take many knitting breaks, so I am planning my projects:
Final touches on green sweater for Kiti.
Gifts for friends for Christmas. Sorry, no sneak peeks.
Baby blanket.
Baby sweater.
Final finishing touches on Aran sweater.
Finish blue Cashsoft sweater I started for myself last summer. Remember this?

Do you have knitting projects planned to keep you rested and refreshed during this busy season?
You have been busy these past weeks. I like the sweater you are knitting - the colour is lovely (as you already know!!)What are CTEL tests? When is Chaplain Dan deploying?
I thought of you yesterday when I watched CNN and saw the fires in the canyons around Malibu. I hope the Santa Ana winds are dying down again.
Have a great week!
You are always a busy person and I just love your knitting projects. That blue sweater is wonderful. I hope you get it finished in time for the holidays.
I heard on the news that the fires were burning in Malibu again. That is so sad. I do hope that they don't affect you other than travel plans.
I haven't knit in a couple months... I am desperate to get started on a new project! But first there's Christmas cards and ornaments for our family ornament exchange! January is looking good to try my hand at a sweater! (And I might be writing to you with questions!!! :)
I love that shade of blue on the sweater you are knitting. Very pretty!
I heard on the radio the other night about the fires in Malibu and you came to mind.
I don't knit (yet) but my youngest just finished her first square at school the other day and was so excited to get started on the next one. :)
Good luck with the tests and thanks for letting me know what they were.
I finished knitting another scarf which grew and grew and must be about 8 feet long! I have two others on the go as well and hope to have them finished in the next few days. It's so cold and windy outside that knitting seems to be a perfect activity!
It is COLD in the Central Valley. There was ice on my car yesterday. I wish I could sit by the fireside and knit, sipping a cup of tea in between stitches (and being constantly alert to chase away cats trying to slay my yarn). But I have to go to work, instead. Somehow, though, I HAVE to finish two knitting projects by Christmas.
Just wanted to let you know we are meeting at Marie Calendar's tonight at 5:15ish and then will knit at the library in lieu of the coffee shop since they close so early now.
What a beutiful work. I'm learning to knit as of this weekend. But I'm teaching myself with a book so we'll see if it works out.
I'm sorry to hear about more fires in your area. I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers.
I have been running too fast to comment these past few days, but am enjoying your blog so much! May you get rain till the fires go out, then just gentle showers now and then till the vegetation grows in enough to prevenet mudslides. Your Thanksgiving looked lovely. How many did you actually have sit down to dinner? The knitting is gorgeous, and the thankful list is heart-warming and centering.
We saw the fires on the tv and after seeing yur last photos we assumed they were in the same place
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