So, in a moment of weakness and total suspension of disbelief, I purchased a piece of filmy blue and white silky fabric thinking I'd whip up a little skirt. I was sure I didn't need a pattern and since my sewing machine doesn't much like light weight material, I decided I could hand stitch this little thing.
I forgot how annoying it is to cut out slippery material. You just can't get the stuff to lie still. It squirms all over the cutting board. Why did I think that a gored skirt with triangular inserts was a good idea?
But I really loved this material. I persevered until the weddings and moving hit, hand stitching those wiggling seams. Then I stuffed it away with all but the hem finished. It was too cold to wear during the winter anyway, right? There it might have stayed stuffed away in a box and hidden from the world except, you know, I'm moving again, and I have to pull out the boxes and empty them out and repack them again. Nothing like moving to reveal those UFOs, huh, Flea?

I love this fabric so much that I may even wear this skirt and hope that others will be equally mesmerized by the exquisite color and drape and not notice the horribly uneven hemline.

And look! The Rowan Cashsoft matches!
Lovely fabric, I am quite sure no one will notice and the Cashsoft goes perfectly, any plans for it?
Thank you so much for the Melendy recommendation, I hadn't come across these books before and have just added them to my wish list.
Ooops, meant to add that my son and I are half way through the Narnia books, we decided to take a little break but it has been such fun to read them with him and I do hope he keeps these memories too.
The skirt is glorious! Andif you make a top out of that perfect blue yarn, you will have an exquisite ensemble! Beautiful work!
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