2. I'm thankful that I learned to read when I was quite young and my parents and teachers instilled in me a deep love of books and reading. I always have a couple of books out with markers in them. I just finished reading The Tale of Holly How by Susan Wittig Albert, I am reading my way through Real Food by Nina Planck,

I have a marker in A Weaver's Garden which I read just before I go to bed, and I just pulled the 1957 Newberry Winner Miracles on Maple Hill by Virginia Sorensen off the bookshelf to start reading.

What's on your book table?
I'm currently reading a secular realistic fiction book called Made in the USA which deals with childhood homelessness and parental abandonment. It is great. I'm finishing up Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas about our Spiritual temperaments in Worship and am in the midst of a memoir about being lost in the Adirondack wilderness...if you visit my blog at any length you will find that I am passionate about our Adirondacks. we live about 35 min from the foothills and LOVE IT!
I am reading (almost done, amazingly!) a book called The Starfish and The Spider, and no it is not a kids book this time. :)
It was for our World Impact LA leadership community that I am a part of this year. The book is about "the unstoppable power of leaderless organizations". I really enjoyed it!
On my bed table is the new biography of Beatrix Potter, my Bible and the San Francisco guide you gave me :0)
Sounds like quite a diverse reading list! Thanks for sharing some good books with us :)
You've asked a great question because I realized that put away the book on my booktable and never got another one out! I need to do that!
Mmmm.. aside from school books, I am working on Confessions of an Economic Hitman, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, and The Audacity of Hope. Mostly I am reading Confessions and Memoirs, but all are interesting so far. Hope you don't mind me constantly passing on all the books I'm reading to you! :o) (Did you get The Kite Runner?)
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